Friday, September 12, 2008


Big worries with Ike knocking on our door tonight. Please pray for those in Texas along the coast as they prepare for what may happen tonight as Ike makes landfall. As for us in Austin, we should be in the clear. We're getting those who have evacuated, adn most likely the weaker side of the storm. Will still be a storm, but nothing like those on the coase will experience.
Take care all!


Grandma and Grandpa said...

Hi, Guys - Praying right along with you that Ike doesn't come any further West. It will do enough damage the way it is headed, without hurting my babies, too. Love you Both so much. Take care.

LauraSuz said...

I've been thinking about you guys. We have friends who live in TX and called us while they were waiting for gas. They had been waiting for 15 minutes and still had 10 ten cars ahead of them.

Hope everything is okay out there! You're in our prayers.