Monday, August 17, 2009


I get a thrill out of organized things.

Seriously, a thrill. Like it makes my heart beat faster.

This BY NO MEANS is meant to imply that I am all that organized. Because, truly...I'm not. I also like to read and be in the sun...which slightly hinder the organization process.

Anyways, I woke up today determined to get some things done today. We're going to paint a little this week, and since I'm pretty much worthless in that department, I thought I would rock it out in my department.

So, halfway through laundry and dishes, I decided it was time to organize our pantry. It had gotten a little out of hand. If asked, my mom could definitely vouch for the fact that closets have always been my little devil area. I fold things sometimes because I'm too lazy to get a hanger. This would work if the stacks weren't out of control. Our pantry had become my own little closet. Not for clothes, obviously, but it was the catch all. Cleaning supplies, sliding pads to make moving furniture easier, cookbooks, light bulbs, a roadside tool kit (in the house?), and then all our food. I probably only spent 30 minutes total...but it looks AWESOME! Things are where they belong. I had to just stand and smile at it for a minute. I love it.

I got the same sense of satisfaction when we moved into the apartment and I had our guest closet organized perfectly!

So now I'm on my way out to organize the the 100 degree weather. Sad the lengths for such a silly pleasure. Oh well! It's a day off and I LOVE a clean house!

The countdown is on until we head up to Indiana for a whole week! 5 Days and we will arrive!! WOOOOOOOOO! We're so excited!

Hope you have a great week!


Ellen said...

YAY for organization! i love it too and i definitely feel the most disorganized that i ever have this week...can't wait to see you! when do you get in? I will be in L-town sometime Monday...

Standeford Stories said...

I, too agree with loving organization! And our guest room closet is the messiest thing I've ever seen! I wanted to buy those storage saver bags for blankets, etc but Jake though they were a waste! What does he know about organization anyway? I cant wait to move again-moving=cleaning and reorganizing everything! I just hate the pack/unpack part of the whole deal!