Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well we're learning.

Monday we had a rough day.

Sunday night our sweet schedule we had down changed. To be fair to our little one he was a TROOPER all weekend as we dragged him everywhere we we may have deserved the rough day on Monday. Anyways..Sunday night wasn't terrible, but we have been only getting up once a night for pretty much the last 2-3 weeks, but then Sunday we had to get up twice. I realize that's not so bad...but it was a change in our routine.

So then, Monday morning at the first feeding I was exhausted after a long weekend and then a short night of sleep, so I asked Brad to bring Noah's infant sleeper to me, and thought after he ate I would just lay him down in his infant sleeper next to me so we could both catch a few more hours. This was definitely a change from our normal routine because I refuse to put him in bed with us ever because I'm SO afraid of hurting him. For the first couple of weeks I dreams that I had put him in bed and we had hurt him. Plus within 9 (I think?) days here in Travis county there were 6 deaths of infants due to cosleeping...right around the time Noah was born. So we're not messing with that. But I was I said I would do that ONLY if I had the infant sleeper. Well I paid for that. We nursed, but Noah wouldn't burp afterwards, which sometimes I went ahead and laid him down next to me. Well we both fell asleep but the next thing I knew I woke up to my face, hair, pajamas, and ear being soaked. He had so kindly spit up on me. He's spit up on us plenty obviously, but that one was exceptionally shocking as it came while I was sleeping. It cracked me up. I looked at him and he just had this incredibly peaceful look on his face. Hilarious.

That should have given me an indication of how our day would go. Basically the rest of the day if I set him down he cried..not a whimper but an all out- full use of his lungs-make mama want to cry kind of cry. I'm not opposed to letting him cry it out..not at all..but I also feel like he's so litle if he's crying like that he needs to be comforted. So we didn't get much done on Monday and I was so beat by the time Brad got home. However, almost as soon as he walked through the door the little man found his peaceful content little nature and was content the rest of the night. He went back to his normal schedule that night for sleep and then we had a much better day yesterday.

I think maybe he was exhausted from the weekend, and then I think that the fact that I chose to not get our day started at our normal time..instead choosing to rest and cuddle in the threw his schedule off. Plus I ate Mexican food on Saturday night which seemed to upset his belly. I think the poor little guy was just exhausted.

Sweet boy gave his first purposeful smile that night though! I think that's God's grace for us...He knows we had a terrible day..and then blessed us with the sweet smile. Of course he hasn't done it again since really, but I am still calling it purposeful. He seemed so sweet and happy on Brad's lap.

In other news...
I went to Kohls yesterday..and there was a little baby in line ahead of us and she was tiny. I thought "Wow, she's little she must be younger than Noah by a few weeks." NOPE. The clerk asked the mom how old the baby was..she was born January 28..two weeks older than Noah. I kid you not the boy had at least 2 pounds on that little one. If not for the way he curls up like a newborn and he grunts like a newborn..I would find it hard to believe he's as young as he is.

He is now holding on to us when we hold him. When we're nursing he reaches up with his hand and holds onto my shirt, and onto my hair when I'm burping him. It's amazing. He does that with Brad too. I LOVE it!

All day yesterday I was certain that Noah was 6 weeks old. I was telling Brad the story about the baby girl at Kohls and how Noah was only a week younger than her and then realized that I've lost my marbles. He's only 5 weeks old. Haha. WAY to soon to forget how old he is.

I think it's amazing how the Lord knows us. I think the details of this little life are amazing. I also think it's funny that me, the girl who CAN'T handle nose noises and food noises, gave birth to a child who grunts, snorts, and squeaks more than any child I have seen. But it's so adorable that I just can't help but LOVE it. That's funny though!

I have decided that though I HATE the idea of leaving this man for 12 hours at a time..EVER...I am actually looking forward to working one day a week. I have found myself missing that use of my brain and how I love our patients. I know I'll cry when I leave Noah..but it will be ok.

That's about it for the day. He's awake now so we're going to get our day started! Have a great week!

P.S. I apologize if this is all baby all the's kinda our new normal! :) We love it..but I promsie that eventually we'll have storied that might have other subjects.

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