Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Two Months Old!

Oh my goodness sweet Noah turned two months old on Friday. How did that happen so quickly? It's just crazy.

We went to the doctor today. Here are his stats.
14 lb. 12 oz. (97th percentile)
24 3/4 inches (97th percentile)

I'm not sure where little man is getting his height from..but I'm hoping he doesn't use all his height now! :)

He is growing and changing each day. It just amazes me. So cool.

This month he has accomplished:
Smiles, smiles, smiles
He coos and jabbers all day long
He likes music...we turn on Pandora and I sing and dance and make funny faces at him while he smiles and coos. It makes my day every day.
He has pretty good control of his head..but absolutely zero interest in tummy time. We put him on his tummy and he either cries or falls asleep.
He loves bright colors and will turn his head to stare at them
He is starting to learn he can grab things with his little hands. Our noses, our shirts, my hair, his paci.
Starting to try to touch things near him.
He loves to be cuddled, seriously, but he is so sweet and will sit contentedly while I try to get things done
He's a very content baby..not much of a crier at all. AWESOME.
Last week he started SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! He did it every night last week..but last night we did get up in the middle of the night to eat, so I guess we'll see which sticks. I'm hoping for the sleeping.

I can't wait to see what month three brings!

Here are some pictures from our little photo shoot for his two month birthday. I know that they're all the same picture..but I love his funny little faces.


Ryan and Jessica said...

Very cute pics! The first one sure looks like Brad smiling :) So glad all is well.

Jackie said...

Very cute Rach! I can't get over how much he looks like that hubby of your's! A-mazing! :) Hope you are all doing great. Enjoy your time at home, I'm sure the great state of IN has missed you!!