Monday, June 13, 2011

my biggest fear.

Ok. Honestly maybe not my biggest fear. But it would be hard to recover.

Today. I was almost that parent.

You know. The one who's kid takes a big poo in the public pool.

I had him in the pool...we were splish splashin around..and then we got out to say goodbye to our neighbor. Then about two minutes later I started to smell..something that very distinctly did not smell like chlorine.

Oh how thankful I am it happened after we got out. I mean...the swimmer diaper might have caught it I guess...because it's not like it got out of the diaper. But poo, and the pool...they just don't mix.

Found out they clean that kiddie pool three times a week though.

Good thing. That's all I'm saying.

1 comment:

jen said...

ha, the diaper would have kept it in probably. abbey was swimming in our apt pool last week for about a hour and we realized she had a very dirty diaper after we got her home.