Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Oh goodness.

So I should be packing.
I should.
And I know this. But there's this little man sitting next to me, and he just takes my interest in packing and throws it out the window.
Because he's this precious beautiful boy who I much prefer spending time with over bins of our things.
But oh my goodness if you could see the chaos.
I have to keep reminding myself to get moving.
I have a tendency to freeze up when I'm trying to pack things. Like I get stuck in all the disorganization.
We can do this.
Saturday is the day.
But here's a few pictures of a super sweet boy I know..because that's better than packing.

Have a great day!


LauraSuz said...

He is so incredibly cute Rachael! I just love the rolly wrists.

Good luck with moving!

Ryan and Jessica said...

What cut little man! Brad he is your mini me...only way cuter! ~Ryan