Friday, November 11, 2011

Want to play a game?

Let's play guess where Noah's favorite place is...

Boy loves him some laundry! It's adorable. If I open the laundry closet door he leaves WHATEVER he is doing to come and observe. He's entertained for quite some time. (Bad mama confession: sometimes I do laundry when I'm making dinner so he will be entertained and I can cook)

Either way. I love it. Kinda in love with that sweet face.

Also- remember when I said I thought I had a trick for blogging (Rox) I was wrong. As evidenced by the lack of blogging. :) Soon there will be more updates. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Leah said...

So cute! Henry loves the laundry, too, but I think he'd love it more if we had the see-through front-loaders!