Thursday, May 3, 2012

14 Months!

So Noah turned 14 months old...a solid 2 weeks ago..but who's counting.  I've found that finding time to blog at night is becoming increasingly more difficult, and during the day is nearly impossible, so here I am 2 weeks late.  

However..our sweet man is now 14 1/2 months old- and OH MY GOODNESS he rocks our world.

He has had quite the busy past few months after turning one. A few of his most recent skills:

Walking like a champ...a little off balance but very fast!
He runs now. Adorable.
Climbing up and down on the ottoman.  He had been eyeing our furniture for awhile now, seeing what he could climb up on.  Then when we arrived home from vacation, BAM, he's up and down on the ottoman for our rocker. It's quite cute. He gets up there looks at me and laughs, and then falls back down. Then he goes again.
We buy 2 gallon water jugs because our water at the apartment isn't very tasty. He loves to carry the empty jugs around like they're his briefcase. So stinking sweet.
He is quite the little lover. He loves to snuggle those he loves, he gives "kisses" (he leans his forehead to you so you can kiss him), he loves to high five, even squeezes for hugs. There is absolutely nothing like it.
Started sleeping in until at least 7:15-7:30 on a daily basis, 8-8:30 if I'm lucky. (Rarely) After months of 5-6am wake up calls, this is AMAZING. It's such a change to wake up on my own instead of in state of confusion because sweet little man is awake.
Loves the park, loves to go down the slide.
Loves to drink from straws
Still working on milk from a sippy cup- unfortunately this means still a bottle at night time so I feel a bit guilty, but the dude needs his milk.
Anywhere from 12-24 month clothes.
Understands more and more of my instructions. That is so exciting to me.
Still very few words. Mama, Dada, Go (rarely). We're hoping now that he has his ear tubes this will begin to change.
Speaking of the tubes..had his first surgery yesterday. He was a champ! In and out of the OR in 15 minutes. And super playful the last two days.  He seems to be hearing better, but time will tell on that. His doctor actually asked me if I was sure that he passed his newborn screening.  So we're hoping that his hearing was only that bad due to the constant infections and fluid in his ears.  We'll see.  Either way..super excited that at least the infections will be improved now!
Waves at everyone.
LOVES his friends. His big kid friends he stands and stares at while giggling at every little thing they do, then his tiny friends (especially Kat and Dave's little one) he has to sit right next to him and continuously hug and kiss him.  Gotta watch him though..he's kinda a brute.
Had his first days without us this past weekend while Brad and I were on our vacation with friends. He did great, but oh my goodness we missed him!
Throws balls all day. Basketballs, little balls, footballs.  It doesn't matter what kind it is..he will throw it. He actually has a great arm, he currently uses both hands but we both think he's favoring his left side.

 First haircut. 

I feel like there is so much more...but I'm his mama. So we'll leave it at that! 

Hope you have a great week! 

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