Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I have a problem.

I love Dancing with the Stars. Like SERIOUSLY. I get the giggles every Monday/Tuesday night waiting for it...and I cringe every Tuesday during the elimination. I'm so embarrassed to admit this. See...I would like to say that right now I'm doing something extremely productive; I'm not. I'm sitting on my couch googling do it yourself design blogs watching Dancing with the Stars.

Then...Taylor Swift comes on. Taylor Swift...I recently discovered I love her music. Then she sings her song Love Story, and I'm watching her sing and the pros dance and I literally have a child's grin on my face. Like a child who just got a new toy for Christmas. It's ridiculous.

Yet, I'm on edge because I'm afraid Louie is going home this week. Sad story.

That's all. It's pathetic, yes I know. I'm working on updating the blog more often though, and that's my thought for tonight.

P.S. Brad is loving his job. We're definitely in an adjustment period...I'm used to having Brad at home every day, and today was my first day off when he was at work and I was lonely. Poor me. Hahaha kidding kidding...it's AMAZING. I LOVE that he's loving what he does. Yay for new jobs!


Lindsey Leonard said...

I love it too! I was super sad that Louis went home. They are just super cute together. If you like that...you should watch So You Think You Can Dance. I'm addicted to that one too!

Standeford Stories said...

I admitt...I too am addicted, but more addicted to the Biggest Loser for the past hour and a half! You arent the only one...p.s. I find myself looking for new blog designs all the time too! Addiction: what a great thing :)

Jackie said...

I too am addicted to Taylor Swift.... who doesn't love sappy teenage love songs??? :)
So happy for you and Brad, we're glad that everything that has turned out so great!