Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My lack of knowledge astounds me.

Tonight, or every night for that matter, I was in the mood to sing.

Timeout: This story won't make any sense unless I explain. Recently every old song that I hear if Brad asks me who sings it I automatically say the Beatles. I don't know why, but that's my answer. Brad seems to think I equate all modern songs with the Beatles, which obviously makes no sense, but could very well be true.

Anyways -
So I was sitting here checking to make sure I wasn't on the schedule tomorrow (because apparently even though I am an "adult" and I have a planner, I still don't trust that I'll show up to work at the right time) and I started belting out "Let it be" LOUDLY. As we have JUST discussed the Beatles and my need to think they sing every song Brad states

"Rach now who sings THIS song??"

To which I reply "ME!"

And then he gave me a look that said...."wow" and kindly went on to explain that THIS song was in fact a Beatles song.

Go figure.

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