Thursday, October 14, 2010

My new best friend

Lately I've had a little difficulty sleeping. It's a bit frustrating..especially since I used to be one of those who could fall asleep ANYWHERE! The problem is strange's that my left leg and hip go numb. Not like tingly numb..just like annoyingly feels kinda numb to touch numb. It's weird. Also mainly happens after I've worked that day. So basically I toss and turn all night and it's tiring, especially when you have to work the next day.

Enter guest bedroom:
So in our guest bedroom we have a bed with a mattress that I've only slept on a handful of times. Brad's parents let us bring it with us when we moved to Texas, and after we ended up getting a queen sized mattress for us this one has been in our guest room. We've never really slept on it because being so soft I always felt like my back was arching because I'm normally a belly sleeper.

Enter pregnancy:
And then I was pregnant. As the belly has grown I've really tried to sleep on my side..because they tell you to do that...and I've struggled with this now with the leg cramps and numbness and all. It's strange. But the other night I decided I'd give the guest room a try..I begged Brad to join me and he did...that wasn't the best idea since it's a full bed and it's pushed up against the wall. Brad has major allergies that night and he had to climb out the end of the bed. Anyways...I tend to wake up every 2 hours or so either to run to the ladies room or just simply because I'm awake. Last night...I couldn't get comfortable for the life of me...I was starting to feel like I might throw my pillow across the room, so I asked Brad if he cared if I slept in the other room that night. He very sweetly did not I went to the guest room and I slept for 7 hours straight! I only woke up one time and that was after 5 1/2 hours! OH MY WORD! It was like heaven. It's totally made for side's like a cocoon for my body. Sad part was that Brad wasn't there. So...I think I may see about if we can both try it on the nights after I work if my legs are doing the weird thing. Either way..I'm so thankful for Brad's understanding and for a bed that I can finally sleep in! My new best friend. I love it! I may even start taking naps in there! :)

Other good news:
The little guy's bedding came in this week! We love it! I'm so excited! Can't wait to get things started...but currently it's just sitting in his little room waiting on us. The nursery is a little bit further down on the to do list. So for now..just enjoying staring at it.

Here's some bummer news:
We just found out that my doctor who I LOVE is going to be leaving Austin in January. We've been seeing her since we got married and I have been so appreciative of how she has made everything so easy during the pregnancy. She's incredibly relaxed and yet very thorough all at the same time. We're super excited for her...but yet so sad because she'll be leaving in January just before the baby is due. I guess this just goes to show us that we're never in control. So now we have to choose whether we'll be sticking with my awesome doctor until she leaves and then just stay with the doctor who takes over for her come January, (Who happens to be my current doctor's best friend) or if we want to switch doctors now. I really dislike that idea but at the same time we can understand how that might make sense that the new doctor would get to know us a little before baby boy enters the world. There is a doctor at the same practice who goes to the Stone..I feel like if we decided to switch then we might see if he has openings. Might be strange to see a man for that but Brad goes to all my appointments with me we'll see.

So that's my story. LONG WINDED! Going to go make some soup for Brad for dinner. I made some the other night for some friends and he liked it and asked if I would make it better believe I'm game for that! Have a great week!

1 comment:

Gramma and Grampa said...

I LOVE to read your blogs. You put sooo much information into just one sentence ~ and I can understand it :-). Ya think we may be related???? Am so looking forward to Saturday; I'm gonna get my lovin' in then, cause I know you will be sooo busy! Love you guys!!! G & G