Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Home Sweet Home!

Warning...this post may be long...but we were just at HOME! This was such a perfect trip! We didn't get to see quite everyone, but we got some true quality time with our families and together with a break from work.

Friday we got into town around noon, and Nana and Papa picked us up. Poor Brad, as soon as they announced that we were beginning our descent to Indianapolis I had tears in my eyes. That pretty much continued for the day whenever I saw someone new! We got home and decided to go pay a visit to St. E and my old coworkers. It was so great to see them, it was a reminder to me that I will make friends at the Heart Hospital, just like at St. E. We then surprised mom at her office, and got her to tears too! We really missed our family! Next stop was to Becca and Jared's apartment. We tried to surprise them, but they weren't home when we arrived. They came just about 5 minutes later, and we had some quality time catching up with them! We've missed them! They are such a Godly couple, who are so open and loving you can't help but smile when you're with them! They're coming to visit us and the Mullin's in March, yay! After that Dad called to say that Sarah, Phil, and Emily had gotten into town so we headed back to Nana and Papa's for some family time. We had some supper for mom's birthday, and just hung out! It was WONDERFUL! Ellen came by to say hi too.

Saturday we got up and Brad, Mom, and I went shopping. I think Brad secretly loved it! Mom and I helped him pick out gifts for his parents, and I think he enjoyed being able to do something special for them. We also got to look at some puppies...not to buy...but that's my favorite part of the mall! Then the boys all went to BW3s (which I'm a little jealous of) and Mom and I met up with Sarah, Nana, and Emily. Saturday night was Chris Tourney's wedding, which was beautiful! Not only that, but we got to see so many friends; we had a great time!

Sunday we got to go to Kossuth for the first time since the wedding! How we love our church family in Lafayette; it was wonderful to see everyone! Then we went down to Indy and spent some time with Brad's family. It was so good to see them all! We took Ally and went to paint pottery with Jared and Becca. Mine turned out pretty has never been my strong point, but we loved it! Ally made a Frosty candle holder, and Brad painted a mug, and I painted a pretty hideous plate, but you better believe we'll be using that plate! We got to see Ally, Kelsey, and Kenny! They all grow up so much each time we see them! This trip was the first visit where Kenny and Kelsey seemed to remember us. They even called us by name! We were working on a puzzle with Ally, and Kenny kept handing me pieces saying "Try mine Rachael? Try mine?" So adorable! Kelsey, kept sitting on my lap when I had my vest on and saying "Take off? Rachael? Take off?" We also got to do our second gingerbread house with Ally, I think it turned out better this year!

Christmas Eve was more shopping and then we went to the Christmas Eve service at Crestview with Nana and Papa and Mom, Dad, and Luke. It's been so long since we all went together! We were CRAMMED into a row, but it was totally worth it! After church, we all went back to N&P's and Rox and Brandon came over and we played some cards. Brandon, Rox, and I lost to Brad, Dad, and Papa, but I blame it on being a little rusty from little practice. Next time, it's on!

Then Christmas! Oh, I LOVE being with the family on Christmas! We had such a fantastic day! There is nothing like getting to spend Christmas day with the family after being gone for 3 months! We had a blast watching Emily get excited to play with her gifts! She was all dressed up in a Christmas outfit, and it just made us laugh! The only missing piece was Uncle Mark, we missed him! Hopefully we'll see him next year! For the afternoon we headed out to Aunt Vic and Uncle Mike's, and I think it was the best Christmas we've ever had! We didn't play our games as much as we usually do, but it was good just to be together! Brad's parents came to join us in the afternoon, it was nice having more family there, and I know my family enjoyed having them there! Maybe we've started a new tradition? Here are some final pictures of the trip!

Luke and I playing with Emily on Christmas!

In between the wedding and reception, getting some loving in for Emily!

Oh, the girls!
I love my family! We missed Kyle, so we got him in the picture!
Dad, Uncle Ed, Aunt Jo, and Aunt Vic!
These three are nearly impossible to get smiling all at once!
She's such a ham..but I love it!
Brad and his parents!
So, we LOVED our first Christmas! It was wonderful! Thanks to all who sent us Christmas cards and letters...WE LOVED THEM! Also, we just want to thank the Lord for being the reason we even celebrate Christmas! Can't mention Christmas without remembering the perfect gift God gave us when Jesus was born! While we loved every minute with our family and friends, that is the true reason we are celebrating!

Now, we're back in Austin! Last night saying goodbye to everyone was tough, and this morning saying goodbye to Mom and Dad at the airport I was a mess! I miss them all so much. Brad let me have some tears this afternoon, and then I got to feeling better. It was a strange feeling when we got off the plane. I thought, "it's nice to be home." Funny how two places can be so different and so far away and yet feel like home. We have a busy busy week ahead! I have to work 6 of the next 7 days...WHOA; Brad already returned to work tonight...BOO! Then it's off to Florida for a trip to Disney, and we're pretty excited about that! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Take care!

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