Friday, August 22, 2008

A year already!!

Today, as Brad and I talked about our trip next week, I realized that not only are we going on vacation, but OH MY GOODNESS we've already been married a year! The past 365 days (almost) have absolutely flown by. We have had so much fun, and so much change, and so many great memories made over the last's overwhelming. Plus, I can't even start to explain all the things we've learned about ourselves and marriage over the last year. Here are my top 10, with some of my favorite pictures of us.

#10 Two sinks in the bathroom: not only awesome, but a necessity, especially because I happen to be psychotic.

#9 Moving across the country from everyone and everything you know and love when you first get married is terribly sad and difficult at times, but completely worth it for our marriage, awesome for growing together, and makes home that much more special when you're there.

#8 It's ok if the laundry doesn't make it to the hamper, on top of the hamper lid serves the same purpose. (I guess)
#7 It's easy to be selfish when you live with someone, but selfless living makes living together amazing.

#6 A smile, hug, and a kiss when you walk in the door can always make a bad night at work seem so silly.

#5 I am a much more quality time oriented person than I realized, and I'm a big baby when I don't get quality husband time. Thankfully, I've also learned that Brad rocks my world and happily obliges my need for quality time.

#4 We have two entirely different communication styles, and that's ok. Brad is the quite strong type, and I'm the chatty chatty type. It's also ok if he doesn't cry at commercials, books, tv shows, movies, good stories, pictures, friends' engagements, friends' weddings, letters, cards, emails, blogs. I handle enough for the both of us. I also learned that he's ok with this, thank goodness.

#3 Buying a house is so much fun, and furnishing a house and decorating a house is so awesome, but when you don't have electricty in one room for 3 months, it's time to check the outside breaker.

#2 A little competition is good for our marriage, it's fun, and it helps with the quality time as previously mentioned.

#1 I've learned I have the most amazing best friend in my husband. I learned that having a husband who loves our Lord makes our life so truly blessed and wonderful. I learned that praying with Brad is one of my favorite things to do. I've learned Brad is hilarious, and that I should embrace his strange humor because it makes life so enjoyable. I've never laughed as much as I have in this past year. I've learned that the small things just don't matter, and letting go of something silly is so fulfilling and so much easier than choosing a fight. I've learned that Bradley Allison is the most amazing man and I am so very blessed to have him as my husband for the rest of my life. He is so tender hearted to me and to those around us, he loves others, he works hard, he meets me where I am on a daily basis, and he's just flat out awesome. So to you, Brad, I love you more than words. Thank you for being you; you pretty much rock.

Goals for the year #2.
1. Order our wedding pictures, which Annette did so amazingly on, and I have not had a chance to order. I will reach goal #1 immediately.

Have a great week all!!


LauraSuz said...

Great post!

I'm soo quality time too!!

Preston,Courtney, Callie, Addison and Finn said...

Congrats on one year of bliss. May there be many more to come. I am so proud of you guys. It is amazing how great marriage can be when 2 people strive to serve each other and cling to the Lord. We love you both very much!!