Saturday, February 13, 2010

What happened to the updates...

We've been home for approximately 30 minutes daily that don't involve sleeping or getting ready for the day over the last 2-3 weeks. I mean it's just madness. I have to say though...the Lord has been working our hearts lately. I feel like we're growing and changing and it's hard to believe how our own plans can change in an instant..and I really like it.

Here's a short update of the last month...

There was an earthquake in Haiti..and our hearts were broken.

We went and worked at a concert to benefit Real Hope for Haiti and our hearts were softened.

This guy joined our home...

This guy turned 27...

We celebrated that with his parents...

And lots of awesome friends!!

And then we decided to get trained to be foster parents. Which is a long story. And one I can't really explain...but it started with Haiti...and it ended with us getting trained. I don't say this one day we woke up and decided to be foster parents, but it was a pretty crazy change of paths for us..and it did happen pretty quickly. Basically, we don't know what this looks like for us. We don't know if we'll be having children in our home right away, or after we try to have our own biological children. Or even if we'll just be babysitters for those who have foster children. We just don't know.

But here's what we do know...
1. We both feel called to this.
2. We know there is a need.
3. So we're trying to respond as best we can for now, and we're watching for the Lord to guide us from here.

So that's the reason for no posts...busy busy. But all is well and awesome and we're cool with that. Have a great week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have been busy! I'm excited to hear about your interest in foster care! There's such a need for loving Christian families to care for the fatherless. Looking forward to hearing more as you continue in the process!