Thursday, July 7, 2011

New place...check.

So after days of going back and forth trying to decide where we are going to live...we made a decision today. We were still going back and forth, but then the people who are buying our house wanted to close a week early..which meant we needed to get a place right we made the choice.

Thankfully, that closing date didn't work for our buyers either so we still have the same closing date..and we have three weeks to move. That's pretty awesome. We're going to start moving on Saturday, because we take possession of the apartment then. Brad's out of town a couple days next Noah and I will be rocking out some serious movement of random things at our house.'s an apartment. Which I can honestly say is a HARD idea to swallow after living in our house. But we looked and looked and couldn't find a house at this time that we're willing to jump at. But the apartment is super nice. I really like it. It's much nicer than our last apartment. It's a second floor apartment, it overlooks a grassy area which is really nice. It has a really nice kitchen, with granite counter tops and everything. Those things are definitely not necessary in an apartment..but it was also the best deal we could find for the size and price...especially since we only signed an 8 month lease.

Though we're both really sad about leaving the house. I can say that we have lots of traveling to do..and there are a lot of things happening in life right now. It will be nice to have a smaller home to clean and take care of, no yard to mow, no maintenance we're responsible for. We can pick up and leave and travel without any worries. That will be so nice during this time. Plus, when we start looking for a house again..we won't have to worry about trying to sell one house while buying another.

So here's to a life change. One that we feel very strongly the Lord has blessed, and we think it will definitely be the best option for us as a family at this time. Financially, we're going to have so much freedom especially with me working only part time. It's so funny to be so torn.

But oh the relief that we felt today applying for that apartment. I guess I shouldn't say it's a definite..we have to be approved..but I don't see why we wouldn't be. That would be quite the shocker. So we're going to hope all goes smoothly and just say we're a go!

So if we're sparse on here in the next couple know why. Have an amazing week!


jen said...

hey-glad you guys have made a decision and congrats on selling your house! i was wondering that apartments you found? we are looking to move to north austin b/c gregg just transferred to seton nw but are having a hard time finding anything.

Grandma and Grandpa said...

Hi,sweetie - so glad to hear you guys found a place you like. I hear the 'no maintenance' loud and clear! Great free-up for busy people; especially if you are gonna be away a few times! Keep us posted as best you can. Love to Brad, Noah, and you, my sweet!!!