Monday, July 11, 2011


If you were a follower of this blog three years might remember me saying I hate to pack.

Apparently - that hasn't changed.

I still hate it.

It has a purpose. I like that. It will have an end. I like that.

But putting everything in boxes to just unpack and reorganize. I don't like that. Especially when I had it all organized how I liked it.

This particular packing job is difficult because I started with the kitchen..and our kitchen that we're moving to is significantly smaller than the house. So trying to decide what will be unpacked and what will remain packed and put into storage is a bit challenging.

I think I'll recover.

That's all. I could write more..but what I'm really doing is procrastinating on the packing..and sweet little Noah is napping so I need to be taking advantage of this and knocking the rest of that kitchen out. Hope you have a great day!

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