Friday, September 16, 2011

7 Months Old!

How is that possible? You'd think eventually I would realize that this is going by quickly, but I just continue to be amazed!

In honor of his first word..I thought this onesie was appropriate for his monthly picture!

The last month we have had an amazing time! he's growing and learning so much every day. It feels like he changes every day. It's just crazy.

This month he:

Cracked the 20lb mark. Big ol' boy. Weighs 20lb 4oz as of 2 weeks ago at the doctor.

Had his first real cold with an ugly that.

Said "Dada" for the first time! And we caught it on video the first time he said it! AMAZING.

Decided he LOVES solid foods. He has had bananas, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, pears, peas, squash, pumpkin, avocado (he didn't like that one because it was fresh and it was cold...I'm going to try again with room temperature), beets (mixed in yuck), blueberries, and delicious mango! I think that's it. If we're being honest...we're clearly not waiting a week with each food before starting new. He is yet to have any reaction so I think we're good.

He moves...FAST. Still not full on crawling..but he has army crawling down to an art. Now have to shut doors to keep him from finding his way to the toilets and other random areas.

Developed a silly grin where he squints his eyes...he does this when he's hamming it up for his friends.

Learned to high 5! So stinking adorable!

Now notices things above his line of vision. Seems to want to figure out how to pull up. So far he has only tried pulling on things like empty laundry baskets and one of his toys that won't support him. He usually just ends up pulling them over.

Discovered the kitchen cabinets this week. Likes to be in the kitchen right at our feet if we're in there.

Jumped up to 9-12 month clothes, and size 4 diapers.

Mama and Dada have gotten in some bad habits because sweet Noah is sooo we have had to work on bedtime and nap times. He seems to be doing well longer having difficulty at bedtime. Naps are another situation..but he'll nap for anyone but me. Today though he took two beautiful naps.

He is a MORNING baby. Wakes up around 6 every morning. He used to go back to sleep but now he's up and ready to play. I'm thankful for that because I want to be more of a morning girl..I used to be and could definitely get back to that! :)

He loves music...likes to dance with mama. There's this song..."Friday" by Rebecca Black (which admittedly is pretty bad) that the Glee cast covered (which is where I heard it for the first time and it was so fun). It comes on our pandora station and Noah and I like to boogie to it! He LOVES it! Sometimes I find him doing what appears to be dancing in his exersaucer.

Pays more attention to us when we read to him now. Sometimes he seems super interested, sometimes he just wants to play with the pages. As long as he's sitting there when I'm reading to him I'm ok with that.

He loves to sit in a high chair. He will sit and play and eat with us. I'm thankful he still does well when we go out so it's not difficult going places.

Still hasn't cut a tooth..but my goodness does he gnaw at things like he is trying to.

Sits like a champ. Sometimes he just sits and looks at what everyone is doing.

Standing so big!
LOVE that cuddle time after I get home from work!

LOVES that daddy! Such a happy boy in the morning!
We've now removed the bumpers. Because this happened every morning..and he then started pulling the ties. I found the tie on the inside of his crib and that was it for that bumper came!
Anyways that's probably all I need to jabber on about. Should probably be packing! We leave tomorrow on vacation with Brad's parents! At the end of the week we'll get to stay with Sarah, Phil, and the girls! YAY!! Then when we get back Mom and Dad come! We are so excited for the next two weeks!

Hope you have a great day!

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