Most likely, this time next week we'll have two little ones. Crazy. It feels like I've been pregnant for so long this time. I think because we found out so early, then moved. It feels like so much time has passed. But I sure will miss these sweet kicks.
So excited!!
In other news...Noah asked to go poopy twice today. And did it! He also peed only a third time. This is exciting because we aren't potty training. So I'm really pumped that he's excited about it on his own. I do think the reason for the sudden interest is because he transitioned to the two year old class at school and they potty train in there, so I think he's seeing his buddies go. I'm all about doing it now that it will be consistent for him even on the two days he's at school. Yay! Nights will be our hardest though because that boy wakes up soaked every morning.
The baby is sitting funny in there. There is something about the way we're positioned this time. It cracks me up because every once in awhile the baby kicks and it will almost knock me over from what feels like a Charlie horse in my thigh. I mean for real my leg almost gives out. It doesn't hurt, but it is shocking every time. And it makes me laugh :) must be a nerve or something.
That's it. Bedtime!! :)
Awesome that he is interested in the potty. I put a pull up on abbey at night for a long time after she was potty trained and eventually she just stopped needing it.
Hang in there girl and enjoy every minute of rest and sleep you can get :-)
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