Thursday, January 23, 2014

10 Months!!!

Our beautiful little lady turned 10 months old last week.  Oh my goodness I adore her.  I am WAY WAY behind on her I'll write them out here.  Someday they may just make it into her calendar/baby book.  

Stands up and cruises on EVERYTHING

Pushes toys/stools/chairs everywhere she can

She has a new smile that I can't - for the life of me- get on camera.  But it is a sweet little squinty eyed smile when she's extra happy.  It's adorable.

Is so funny when trying to get her to take a nap.  If she isn't ready she throws everything out of her crib and then sits there in the corner of her crib.  She cracks a huge smile when I walk into the room.  It's like this funny little game we play.  We do this at least one nap every day. She just cracks me up.

But she's a dream to get to bed at night. We nurse. She goes to bed. Just like that. No muss no fuss.  

Don't get me wrong...because while she's the easiest thing to get to sleep...she is not great at sleeping out of her element.  Noah, by this time, was sleeping anywhere and everywhere. Closets/Pack'n'plays/guest rooms...he was not picky.  Abby rebels against that. She doesn't love having to share a room with anyone. To be fair..the last time she had to do so I was sick and kept coughing her awake.  So hopefully it will be better next time we try.

LOVES Noah.  As previously mentioned. But she will follow him everywhere. She loves when he does something funny...and promptly rewards him with lots of giggles.

LOVES bath time with Noah.  They splash and laugh and are just hilarious.

Says mama and dada

Recently seems to be nodding occasionally to my cute

Waves ...kinda.

Still two naps a day. But mama does not love when she chooses her early nap to be her longest nap.

Just now starting to be interested in food other than nursing.  She goes in spurts where she'll down to packets of pureed food but then complete push those away and eat only what I'm eating.  The last two days she has downed soup I have made.

A little tiny thing.  I haven't weighed her recently.  But at her 9 month appointment she didn't even weigh 17 lbs.  

She is great at playing by herself. We'll see if this lasts.  

She's just so wonderful.  The perfect 4th member of our family.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Inspired by a blog post my friend Ellen shared today on the is a list of confessions.

Sometimes being a mama is hard. But man do I love it. Here's our list:

Noah peed on our couch today. And the pillows. And on me.

I just started two sentences with and. I know that's not really correct. I'm going to do it anyways. And I'll like it. BOOM.

I truly dislike potty training.

Sometimes I feel like all I do in the afternoon is try to get Abby to take a nap.  Then I feel bad because I've missed out on time with her.

My oldest has taken to telling me often "You're not being nice to me" "I don't wanna" "I don't like it" and "I don't love you." It breaks my heart. I love him so much..and we are trying to hard to work on how he speaks. But seriously...where the heck do they learn this stuff?

He cries when he poops. So he refuses to do so on the potty.  I get SO frustrated with this.

I didn't clean my stove after we used it last night. It was seriously gross.

I've taken to only deep cleaning when we have guests.  This is a big deal...because well I love to clean. I LOVE it.  But I'm too tired to mess with it.

Speaking of being tired...I literally want to do nothing else but SLEEP during nap time. So I waste time during that time.

Today I tried to do my quiet time with my Bible while letting Noah have "quiet play time."  WHATEVER.  That was ridiculous. He ended up in time out yelling at me that he didn't love me and didn't want to play with me anymore. I ended up crying out for Jesus to help me.

I'm going to try doing it again tomorrow.  Since Noah was born I have always tried to do my quiet time when he was I could focus.  The thing is...I fully believe he needs to see me reading my Bible.  I also find that if I wait until he sleeps it just doesn't happen. At all.  And that's just completely unacceptable.

Back to the confessions...

I forgot to change Abby's diaper this afternoon after she got up from her nap. Brad commented multiple times on how saggy it was.  Poor sweet girl.

I'm so ready to be done nursing this time...physically...but emotionally I'm not even a little bit ready.

I can't believe a year has gone by since our precious girl was born.

Which means 3 years since Noah was born.

I'm training for a mini marathon but I hate to run. It's going just swimmingly - or horrible - but I'm determined.

Noah has watched so much TV this month I feel like a failure. But's freezing cold outside, and I have run out of ideas for crafts/books/entertainment.

I recently started watching Parenthood on Netflix. It has sucked me in. Makes me cry and everything. I feel the real.

Brad had to cook his own birthday dinner...because by the time I prepped it and picked up Noah from school our friends were already on the way over and the house wasn't cleaned up. So I cleaned up while he cooked.  WIFE. OF. THE. YEAR.

But also...there are some fun confessions:

Abby loves to snuggle. I love it too.

I follow Abby around with a camera all day trying to get a video of her saying mama or dada. No go so far.

She LOVES Brad. So much. It's precious.

I love to do bedtime with Noah..because he asks me to cuddle him, we even have special "spots." We pray, we sometimes read books, we cuddle, we give butterfly kisses and eskimo kisses, he says "I love you so much Mama." I mean OH. MY. WORD. How precious is that.

I think my kids are the cutest things in this whole world.

Abby adores Noah...he adores her..and I adore that. I let him fake cough all through dinner tonight to make her laugh. She totally did.

I think it is so fun to watch Noah grow up. I miss him as my baby. But I mean he's just so smart and cute and I am amazed by him. The things he says crack me up.  His new thing is "It's ok mama, I'm just teasing." Or when he uses words like ottoman and tortilla - yet pronounces blanket as blanquet (like banquet with an l)

Tonight he gave me a pillow and a blanket because I said I was tired. He shows empathy when I'm sad. He protects me when daddy tickles me.  I mean. Melt my heart.

I am so excited to see Abby's little personality shine through more and more as she gets older. So far she's such a mellow little thing. VERY good at self entertaining. Sneaky (which could be trouble) and much quieter than I remember Noah being. Except when she's mad..because until Noah was almost 2 he was never this is all new to us. She watches everything Noah does. She's a little stubborn but I'm hopeful that will turn into her being a strong girl.

That's it for tonight. I just...I treasure this time...we treasure this time...we love these little loves.  We're exhausted but gratefully so. Excited for what is ahead.

Monday, January 13, 2014

I just don't want to forget

These days are long.

But very short.

Every day that goes by I realize more and more that we have these sweet babies in our care for such a short time!

That makes me a little a whole heck of a lot sad.

But man am I thankful for them.

Yesterday...Noah and Brad made breakfast in bed for the three of us. Sweet Abbs was still sleeping.  (Noah has recently taken to waking up at 5:30 am since we started potty training)

Anyways..while we were eating breakfast, Noah plops himself into my lap, gave me a kiss, and looks at Brad and says "Hey Daddy, I love you"

Just out of nowhere...completely unprompted.

The kid is just amazing.  He is so sweet, so tenderhearted, a total maniac, a crazy little destructor that I absolutely adore.

And Abby...sweet Abby.  She is getting so FUN! She's adorable, super happy, loves her brother, perks up and gets super chipper the second her daddy walks in the room, wants mama often and always if she is sad.  She likes her some music. She gets a huge smile and dances when there is music on.

I just adore them.

Just so many memories.

Sometimes though...I forget to cherish the small moments.  I'm working on it, actively.  I'm working on keeping the phone upstairs during the day so I'm not wasting precious time with them. We've done fewer social things lately - partly because of weather, partly because we just needed some quality time. I'm working on making memories with the kids, putting down my to-do list and just stopping to cuddle when the kiddos need it.

But somewhere in the 5:30 wake up calls, the baby deciding she wants to be held rather than nap, the toddler who throws silly fits for no reason, the colds that won't quit, the random fevers, the poopy diapers, the being peed on constantly while potty training..I just forget the joy.

I forget that God has given me the priceless gift of raising these sweet ones with Brad.

I forget to enjoy all the amazingness of these children.

I want to remember these moments.

I want to remember that we have the best privilege of our life in raising these children. We get to teach them, love them, pray for them, show them Jesus' love.  I'm just so thankful.

That's it...I just want not to wish away these days.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year...Back to the blog!

Oh my good gracious.  I haven't blogged since Abby was 4 months old.  BREAK MY HEART.

I'm a terrible this is where I keep memories to go back and fill things out.

But, it turns out....being a mama of two makes blogging a bit more difficult.  I have written many...but not finished here we are 5 months later.

Since I last posted...

Abby turned 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 months old.  She's perfect.  She has a sweet little mellow personality.  She knows where she is comfortable..and makes it known.  She is EVERYWHERE.  I feel we'll have to baby proof more thoroughly this time around.  Noah was curious...but wanted to hang with me. He never was one to get into cabinets or anything.  Abby on the other hand...if it's just us at home...she's quite the little wanderer.  I find her everywhere...silently investigating everything she can get her hands on.  This smells like trouble...but the best kind.

Noah is almost 3.  THREE! Are you kidding me?  We have entered into a bit of a difficult stage as he has QUITE the opinions of so many things...but also..he's perfect. So crazy and loud, but also sweet and tender. He makes us laugh all the time. He is feisty and smart.  He loves his baby sister like I had hoped he would. I just love it!

We bought a house. We love it.  It's a home.  We're SLOWLY making it ours.  I say slowly because we have many an unfinished project around here.  But not due to laziness. I'm slow with poor Brad doesn't know where to start.  On the books for the upcoming weeks/months: finish insulating the garage, paint the rest of the downstairs, hang curtains/blinds, pictures actually on the walls, maybe a patio out back, and begin the finishing of the basement.  But we love this little place we call home.

First Thanksgiving and Christmas as a family of four.  Perfection.

First Christmas in our new house.  Just exactly what we hoped it would be.

First house guests.  We've had Mom and Dad, Carl and Rosemary, the Peterson fam, Sarah and Phil and the girls, the Mehaffie fam, and the Sunnenberg fam.  I feel like I'm forgetting someone but what it comes down to is we love to have people stay with us.

In 2014 we are planning to head back to Austin in May, I can't even tell you how excited I am to go. I still miss Austin so much..and the people we love I'm super excited for May! No babies on the horizon for us this year. Just loving these two we have and still figuring out being a family of four.  Hopefully we'll make lots of fun memories this year!

That's it for tonight! Easing back into the blog world.  Have a great night!