Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Alright, I apologize for my lack of enthusiasm, but I am so glad today is November 4th. I am aware of how important this election is, I am aware of the issues, and I am aware that these guys both say they're prepared to make big changes. Regardless, I am glad the day is finally here that we don't have to listen to them bash each other anymore. Either way, I would just like to announce that (pathetically) I voted for the first time this year! I did it!Also, early voting rocks. I voted last week. I knew who I was voting for and I didn't have to wait in a line at all! AMAZING! Brad also voted early so neither one of us has to wait in those lines today. WOO.

All this to say, even though I'm tired of the campaigns, I will be watching closely today. I know who I am hoping will win this election, and I am eager to see the result! Hope you all voted too!!
Phil, Sarah, and E arrive on Thursday! This deserves a YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! Can't wait for that. One more day of work tomorrow, and then off for 6 days. Whoa!

Starting next Wednesday, Brad and I will have the SAME SCHEDULE! We won't even know what to do about that. It's scary.

That's about all I have. Go vote.


Anonymous said...

just wanted to say-i came across your blog randomly by clicking through other blogs-make sense? :) anyway-i totally feel the same way about today-i'm so happy this election is almost over! take care!-
Jen Mallinson

Standeford Stories said...

Hey Rach!
I miss you and wanted to say that I just read your blog after typing my own little schpeeall** (however you spell that word)and I have to say I'm sort of ashamed that this is the first time I voted too :( Thought our blogs were similar...just means we were meant to be friends! Hope to hear from you soon! Tell Brad I said hello!