Sunday, August 2, 2009


I have no idea where this summer has gone. I remember college, and 3 months of summer, and how awesome and long that seemed. Now, I feel like yesterday was May...and now it's August? What on earth? I keep thinking...when summer comes life will settle down..clearly I missed that train. Summer has almost passed, and life is still crazy. Not complaining, just stating.

So...summer is almost over, but it was fantastic!

Coming up with some big things!!
Ellen and Ryan's wedding! We're so excited for this!
Disney Cruise with Carl and Rosemary! We're pumped for this too!
Possible visit from Dad to Texas!

AND...our 2nd anniversary! Goodness gracious, we were sitting today and talking and realized that we're literally a month away from being married 2 years.
I'd have to say ..year 2 has been crazy and perfect. So we're pumped to celebrate that!

Other than that...we have discovered a few new favorite things in Austin.
1. PETER PAN MINI-GOLF. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I have to thank Bradley and Uncle Bob for choosing this place to putt-putt when they were here. It's my new favorite place.
2. Frozen Yogurt. Affectionately known to us and the Mullins as Fro-Yo. Nothing like it. It's perfection in a cup. I love it. We literally at least once a week crave this. We even had some with John out in D.C.!
3. Chedd's - Gourmet Grilled Cheese. This is a new favorite for me, Brad has not experienced it yet. It's a shop completely dedicated to fun cheeses...I mean, obviously it's phenomenal.

That's all for now. Have a great night!


Standeford Stories said...

Thanks for the update..but more often would be better :) I'm bored over here and all I have is my 2 email accounts, facebook, blogs and job hunting to keep me busy! BTW love the new layout and design (same as tabathas!) At first I thought I was clicking on their blog..Anyways, cant wait to see you guys again!

Brittany P. said...

UM yeah. WI cheese in ATX. I'm there. Can we go the week we get back?? :) Miss you guys!!!