Friday, December 3, 2010

Oh how I wish I could write about...

SO VERY MANY THINGS! That is what I would like to write. Things such as the following:
The nursery is done!!
We signed up for nursing and birthing classes.
We picked paint.
We replaced the carpet.
We're ready any day he chooses to come along, so we have the next 2 months just to be together and prepare for him.
We went out and used our gift cards to get the final things we need.
The house is ready for Christmas.

However...I can't write about those...because they are kinda lies...

Instead I will write...
We haven't picked out paint or carpet for the nursery.
We haven't put up our Christmas tree or prepared for that to come.
We don't have a dresser for the little guy yet.
We haven't taken any I'm feeling a little unprepared.
In 1 week..we're two months from the due date. WHAT?!

We had an amazing Thanksgiving. It was so awesome to be with family and friends.
We hit the 30 week mark today...and I feel great. I'm so very thankful for the way the Lord is blessing this time of pregnancy... 10 more weeks left! I realize those will be a little more trying..but we're all good!
We're going to spend the day tomorrow together decorating for Christmas and picking out paint or carpet. So those will be taken care of.
It's not the end of the world if I can't find a dresser. We will. But either way..the little man is not going to resent us for that.
Even if we don't get the carpet placed for a few more will literally take like 2 hours total to get the nursery organized and the new guest room put together. That is COMPLETELY OK.
The precious little man inside of me loves to move around. I love to watch him. It almost makes me cry I love it so much. Even cooler...he totally doesn't kick when I'm trying to sleep. He is one sweet boy!
Brad is the most encouraging husband I could even hope for. This week...I did have a minor emotional breakdown..which I blame on just exhaustion when I couldn't sleep over our vacation time. I cried so hard that I ended up laughing. I haven't done that in forever. Brad sat and hugged me and then joined me in laughing once he realized I was ok. How thankful I am for a husband who loves the Lord, and who loves me, and who knows me better than I even realize. I'm so excited for him to be a dad!

So basically...every time I think I need to worry...I just look at the faithfulness of God. Brad reminded me of that this his calm while I was panicked he - in his oh so peaceful way - reminded me that he was completely at peace with where we are and that our God is faithful and good and He goes before us. I'm so thankful.

And I'm so so so excited to meet this little guy. I think he's awesome. Seriously.

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