Four Month Stats:
17lb 2.5 oz. (90th%)
26 1/4 in. (95%)
Boy is HEAVY! :)
Our sweet boy's fourth month has been full of fun! He flew home to Indiana and back just at the very beginning of this month..and he did it like a champ! (Except for the huge ol' blowout we had on the last flight. But we didn't care because he was an amazing traveler. Slept or smiled the whole thankful I was for that)
Also this month:
He smiles ALL the time. It makes me so happy.
He has learned to suck his little thumb...does it more often now.
No longer is a big fan of sleeping on his back. He gets mad until he's onto his tummy and then breathes a sigh of relief and cashes out. I can't decide how I feel about it..since he's supposed to sleep on his back but I just check him a few times before we go to bed, and then if I happen to wake up during the night, and then first thing in the morning. So far so good.
He's moving all over the crib now. We put him on one end and he ends up on the other.
He hasn't quite mastered the giggle. He kinda has a laugh/cry giggle. It's adorable. I'm dying for him to learn that giggle though.
He loves his daddy. Smiles and follows him with his eyes whenever he hears Brad's voice.
I think he loves his mama too. He smiles at me a lot.
Sometimes we put him in his crib and he'll fuss a little I go in to put in his paci..and he just cracks a big grin.
He has discovered his lungs. Boy can he yell when he wants something.
He jabbers all day.
LOVES his exersaucer.
LOVES sucking on his hands..and his toys...and his blankets..and my hand. Pretty much anything he can get to his mouth goes in there.
He's not that interested in me reading to him, but I do it anyway. He deals with me. But I'm excited for when he loves to read like we do.
Drooling like a champ. Doctor says he's getting ready to teethe.
Loves looking at the baby in the mirror :)
Loves when someone sings to him and makes funny faces. He smiles big then.
Still an excellent eater.
Wants to be up looking around all the time.
Still rolling like crazy from his back to tummy...but just can't seem to figure out he can get back off his tummy. He has done it once or twice...but most of the time just scoots himself around.
Loves other little ones..he totally digs any little person that watches him.
Really loves bath time! Especially when Daddy does his bath..mama apparently doesn't know how to do the fun baths.
Doesn't really love lotion time after his bath..but he deals with it.
Basically we just adore him so much! These past four months have been wonderful! We're so excited to see what the next couple of months hold! It's amazing watching him grow! Oh how we love him!
Here are some pictures from our photo shoot! It's a little more difficult now because he's getting so strong and he can kick himself out of the position. Plus he's definitely more interested in chewing on the elephant. Pretty adorable though. Here they are! Plus just a few others of him.
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