Saturday, December 17, 2011

10 Months

So 10 months have come and gone..and our sweet little man just keeps on getting bigger. He is such a joy to watch grow! Here's what he's doing this month. {I realize these can be boring..but I am EXTREMELY poor at documenting on time in his book so this way I have it somewhere to go back and look at! :) }

Pulls up to standing on EVERYTHING. Walks behind his little dinosaur, and is getting more efficient at this. When he lets go though, he topples. He is getting more graceful as he falls.
Boy has bruises all over! I fear people think I don't take care of my kiddo. But he is FEARLESS. So he runs full force into everything...usually with his little noggin.
Giggles. He loves to giggle.
Can see himself better in the mirror we have in the back seat of our car. While driving I sometimes hear him giggling and look back to see him smiling at himself.
Had his first Thanksgiving! We were able to go to Springfield to spend Thanksgiving with Mimi and Grandpa Bud. He had such a great time! He also was able to meet sweet miss Audrey Claire! (Who is just BEAUTIFUL)
Is a bit of a brute. Will climb over anything to get where he thinks he needs to be. This is cute..except when he does this to other babies/children.
Continues to say dada.
Claps his hands when I ask him to clap his hands.
He got his first two teeth this month! He did pretty well overall...but there were some clingy days (but this mama kinda LOVED that!)
Occasionally says Na-na or a very faint ma-ma when I come get him after naps or when he is upset. Yet to hear a real mama. But he smiles when someone tries to get him to say it, so I know he knows who I am. Stubborn boy.
Continues to be a pretty mellow fellow.
HOWEVER. We have recently decided that when we don't like's ok to yell. That's a change...but we're learning.
LOVES to eat peas as a finger food. I heat a few frozen peas up for lunch or dinner often while I make the rest of whatever he is eating. He really likes them.
Has slightly lost interest in pureed foods. I'm thankful I only made the one batch because I think it all would have gone bad. We are moving on to table foods. This makes me kinda sad..and yet I think it's so adorable watching him learn what he likes.
Likes to let Mama and Daddy read to him now.
LOVES bath time. Now lays on his belly and splashes.
Seems to recognize more and more people that he is close to. In the nursery at church Auntie Kat was in his room..and he climbed his way right on over to her lab while she was holding another baby so she would hold him too. Apparently he is a little attached to Auntie Kat. :)
Continues to love his friends.
We are finally on a schedule. Not a strict has to be down by this time or anything kind of schedule, but we have a routine and it's wonderful. He's napping twice a day and finally seems to be resting well during those times. (Although as I type this we JUST got home from Christmas and poor little man did not have ANY normalcy of sleep because we just let him party all the time while we were home! I think he liked it!)
Goes to be around 7:30 every night.
Prior to leaving for Christmas he was sleeping until about 6:30. However sprinkle in a few sicky nights (later post) and all of a sudden we have a little one who is waking in the middle of the night, and then around 5-6 for the day. Excited for our little man to be healthy again!
I think I forgot to mention that our trip to Springfield was his first real road trip..he did GREAT!
Had his first babysitter that wasn't friend/family. He did great. She was wonderful and I felt safe the whole time with her having him..but I'll tel you I sure am ready to get home to him whenever we're not with him.
Is starting to understand his toys more.
Seems to understand what we say to him more
Signs for "more" (Actually the sign for more is a clap..but it's purposeful so we count it.)
He shakes his head no whenever I say yes. With a huge smile on his face. I think he thinks he's saying yes right along with me.

Oh! Sweet little man is awake! Have a great week! More to come!

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