Tuesday, December 6, 2011

So many different thoughts.

I seem to have so many things on my mind lately..about all SORTS of crazy things. Not all crazy..but all over the place. After being inspired by Rox...here we go.

1. http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/austin-stone-live/id482639306
Get this. I think you would really like it.

2. We had a worship service tonight. It was absolutely amazing.
3. Life seems to get harder the older I get. Not even necessarily for us. But for our friends and family. Watching this truth play out in life has only proven to me how not in control of this life on earth that I am.
4. Christmas is in 19 days. OH MY GOODNESS! I'm so so so excited to celebrate Christmas with our little man!
5. We get to see both our families at Christmas. YAY!
6. I turn 27 in 13 days. 27. When I still feel 18. Well- 18 but married and with a baby boy, and a nursing degree. All things I didn't have at 18. But I have an extremely hard time believing I'm going to be 27. Also..I remember when I was in college..and on Friends Rachel turns 30...and I remember thinking 30 was so far away...I'm fast approaching 30. But I'm cool with that..because each year brings something new and exciting and I like that.
7. Noah got his first tooth. Oh my goodness. He really did pretty well with it. Yesterday was a little tough as he REALLY wanted to be with mama all day, but then that little tooth broke through last night, and this morning we have a full bottom tooth through, and another corner of a little bottom tooth through.
8. We purchased a little piano for Noah (a toy obviously) and he LOVES it! And it cracks me up!
9. Christmas brings me so much joy. What an amazing time of year.
10. I can't wait to be home for Christmas. Sarah, Phil, and the girls will be home from Florida, and Luke will be home from Columbus, and I mean - Oh My Word. I'm PUMPED.
11. We decorated for Christmas this week. It makes the apartment a little more homey!
12. Speaking of the apartment...we haven't found a house yet. Which has been tough. I miss having our own home, and our own space. But I am trying (and it is a daily battle) to trust in the Lord's timing. He will provide a house when it is time. We have prayed all along that He would give very opened or very closed doors in this process. So far he has done EXACTLY that. He allowed our house to sell in 18 days- full asking price- OPEN door. We put an offer on a house and the owner countered 1000 off list price (we were QUITE a bit shy of that on our offer) - CLOSED door. We found another house- but it already had multiple offers being negotiated - CLOSED door. Then we found another..and we REALLY wanted that one to work -but after praying about it both of us came to the conclusion that this was not the house for us - CLOSED door. So here we are - and we're waiting and praying that an open door will be soon. But for now, we're extending our lease until May -and then we'll be looking to lease in Taylor if we are unable to find a house to buy.

That's it. Time to go to bed. Hope you have an awesome week!

1 comment:

The Gibsons said...

haha, if it makes you feel any better i don't remember turning 27. like...at all. i know i did, somewhere back there in life, but i don't remember it and like you, have come to realize that every year brings something new and exciting. the big 3-0 is my next bday and i'm just hoping for a scooter like the one rachel got on friends! :) isn't it nice to know that at any and all given times you're exactly where God has placed you in life? love. it.