Monday, December 5, 2011

Oh Indiana.

Back in October we were able to head back to Indiana for Purdue's homecoming. It was SUCH a great weekend...though SUPER busy..but we had a GREAT time!

We were able to spend time with Brad's grad school friends (who are AWESOME), a little time with some of Brad's family (looking forward to more at Christmas!), quite a bit of time with my family (also looking forward to more of this at Christmas!), met sweet baby Austin and had lunch with El, and played some cards/chatted with Rox & Jake and played with sweet Nora. Noah and I were able to go on our first trip to the Covered Bridge Festival with Mom, Aunt Vic, and Aunt Jo. It was so great! I know I'm forgetting some things...but let's be was over a month ago that we were there- can we say BEHIND?!

Here are some pictures..that's the best part anyways.

I stole these next few from Aunt Jo. We had a family dinner of Arni's - because it's the B-E-S-T. I LOVE my family. I love Arni's. AMAZING.

Noah bundled up and ready to shop til he drops!
Partying in Indiana is hard work!
With Nana.
Noah went right on over there to Rox so she would cuddle him with Nora.
SO adorable! Hard to believe these two are quickly approaching 1 year old. WHAT?! Love that Nora is such a sweet little lady!
More cuddles with Rox.
Meeting sweet little Austin. Noah was super interested. He can't wait until Austin can play with him! I can't wait to get Austin, Nora, and Noah all together. It kinda brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I know I'm getting older...but so cool and weird all at the same time to all have had babies this year. (My other friend from home, Manders also had a little man this past year.)
Loving on that Uncle Luke. He seriously could play with Uncle Luke all day every day. Even when we face time Luke cracks him up. I love it.
Have a great week!!

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