Monday, January 23, 2012


Oh my goodness.

Yesterday, during worship at church, the Lord just reached down and calmed my soul. I mean, a peace that completely overwhelmed my whole heart. Oh how thankful I am for a God who is so good.

Then, the message yesterday just spoke directly to my heart. I thought I would share the link on here. I would love for you to take 41 minutes of your day to listen to it. The truth of scripture hit home yesterday for me.

Here's the link!

I feel like there's so much more I could say...but it literally took me all day yesterday just to process all my thoughts enough to share with Brad...which didn't happen until we went to bed - so I'm just going to say please watch it.

Have a good day!

1 comment:

Leah said...

It was good stuff, huh? :)