Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's August...which means fall is on the way!!

So...today has not been my favorite day. Why? I'm not sure...I think some days recently I just wake up grouchy..which makes me very sad because that is SO not like me. That will pass though..crazy hormones.

HOWEVER...this past weekend it dawned on me that it's already August...which means fall is on it's way. Soo very many things that I love about the fall...

Things such as:
*Cooler weather
*Pumpkin Spice lattes from Starbucks (decaf now)
*These lead to Peppermint Mochas (also decaf)
*Sweater weather
*Jacket weather
*Football season
*Hot chocolate
*Family time

Just to name a few...I LOVE these coming months!

This year it's even cooler because at the end of my favorite months comes a BABY! This will obviously be the best part of our year.

Last week we heard the heartbeat...um..AMAZING! 154 beats a minute strong and it was so neat to hear my heart beat mixed with the baby's heart beat. Still sometimes hard to believe there really is a little life in there...but whoa! Brad recorded it for me on his phone...good man! Wish I had new news is this department but my doctor told me I'm boring, and that this is a good thing. She said it's always good to be a boring pregnant woman. So woooooo!!!

Really though..each day I wake up and I'm amazed. I find myself sitting with my hand on my belly like the baby can feel me...or if I forget to eat lunch on time and I'm starving then I start apologizing to the baby. Every time I get grouchy for no reason I think oh the poor baby is probably stressed out because I'm being mean. (SERIOUSLY?!) I'm just crazy!

So that's about it for today..FALL is COMING!! We're pumped! Brad finished the floors...they look fantastic! I'm so proud of him for all his hard work! Thanks to Dave and Aaron for all their help too!


G and G said...

Hi, Rach ~ I love all of your comments, and you do sound like your pregnancy is progressing VERY normally! Love you and Brad so much, and gosh 6 months and I'll be a greatgram again!!!! You sound so typically pregnant ~ especially the hand on the tummy! You're already becoming a Lioness protecting her cub (oops, baby)! Keep being boring for the doctor; I love the sound of that. Take care, and love to all 3 of you!!! G

Ellen said...

rach this gives me hope since many days i wake up grouchy and have no excuse...maybe while pregnant i will be opposite :) or so i hope...

LauraSuz said...

I'm with you ALL THE WAY on this post!!