Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Clumsy. That's me.

So yesterday...part of my cleaning was mopping all the floors. I love mopped floors. I love that they are so clean! Makes me so very happy...BUT THEN....we were having friends over for dinner last night. So I finished up the cleaning, ran some errands, came home and started making dinner. Well, I was tired, and I tend to be a bit clumsy anyways...and last night was not my night!

First...I was running behind because I took too long running errands...which is really because I took too long getting the day started but who's judging...so I got home and I was in a rush. At this moment, I decided this would be the best time to refill our pepper grinder (which literally has not been refilled in a year) so that I did. Well, after I refilled it..I reached for something quickly and knocked the whole grinder over with the lid OFF. Out poured all those evil little peppercorns onto our freshly mopped floors. Then I tried to just use the remaining peppercorns I had to fill the container so I could put the lid on...and spilled those all over the counter..and again...onto the floor. I was not pleased with this obviously...but again was trying to hurry so I decided I would sweep them up after I had cut up my butternut squash I was using for dinner. Well, as I was seeding the butternut squash my hand slipped and I threw a big chunk of that on the floor. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Anyways...I always thought I might grow out of my clumsy ways..but apparently they only get better with time. Yay.

At least they were easy messes to clean.

Have a great day!

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