Tuesday, March 15, 2011

1 Month. Wow.

Our sweet little man is a whole month old today! I am having a very hard time believing he's already been here a month! I'm also having a difficult time believing he fit inside me a month ago. CRAZY!!

We have had an AMAZING month. This boy has changed our lives...it's amazing! I'm so very very thankful for this precious blessing the Lord has given us. I just look at him and know how amazing a miracle he is. It's awesome.

I don't have his one month stats yet...we have our appointment tomorrow so that will be next post. I think he's going to be above 10lb this time though..the porker likes to eat.

Here's some facts about our man.
1. He loves to eat. Seriously. Loves it!
2. He is a cuddle-bug. We adore this!
3. He looks just like his daddy...I think that's awesome!
4. He seems to recognize both of us and our voices...he will look for us when we're talking.
5. He sometimes has some belly pain and that cry makes me cry because he sounds like he hurts so much.
6. He really doesn't cry too much. I'm so thankful!
7. He teased us by almost making it through the night the other night. But he is awesome..and usually does a 4 hour stretch followed by a 3 hour stretch. We're only getting up once a night once we're down.
8. He will go anywhere with me. I am able to get out of the house almost daily.
9. He hasn't smiled purposely yet..but seems to be getting there.
10. He has so far met his Grammy, Pop, Mimi, Grandpa Bud, Aunt Sarah..and Uncle Luke and Nana and Papa via skype. He's also met tons of friends and he LOVES all of them!

That's about it. Brad is currently trying to put him to bed so I am going to go join my little family! Manders and Rhyon are here so we're excited to have a great couple of days together! Yay!

Have a great week!

P.S. Congrats to Rox and Jake for their beautiful baby Nora! We're so so happy for you all!! Can't wait to meet her!

Pictures below!

1 comment:

slivengo said...

It goes by way too quickly...

Ok, he almost always looks like Brad, but in the picture with the "My DAD is RAD" shirt, he looks like a Clark. :)