Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The boy has skillz.

Yep. I spelled skillz with a z. That's one of my pet peeves. That's what having a child has done to me..made me all CrAzY and I am throwing my pet peeves out the window. There's another one..writing like I'm 15 with the upper and lower case letters. What up?!

N-E-Ways. (Let's just get them all out there shall we?)

Our child has the unbelievable ability to spit up on, or urinate on, or even make a #2 on, anyone holding him.

Today...I can't count the number of times for spit up...but I do know that he peed through three outfits today.

You'd think I would learn right?

But seriously! We've tried everything! We point his peepee down. We have him in the right size diapers. We check to make sure that the little legs are sealed correctly once the diaper is on. We change him frequently. I think he just likes it.

As for the spit up...I didn't bother changing out of my t-shirt that he so sweetly marked all day until after our walk.

Then when Brad got home..he got it twice. Hahaha.

Sweet little man. It's so funny how little it bothers me. I love it actually.

Also noteworthy:
1. We signed up for e-mealz this week. (Sidenote: that really is spelled with a z) I'm super excited about this. I think it will really help me with budgeting and meal planning because I am SO bad at that. This provides the recipes, the meal plan, and the shopping list. PERFECT. Sarah does it, and she cooked two meals from it for us when she was down here and we loved them. I'm so excited to get started soon.

2. I watched Hoarding: Buried Alive tonight. I, in all seriousness, can't watch that show. The one house had mouse feces, and flies, and she had to plug her coffee pot in to her bathroom. The other house had a couch standing on end in the kitchen. I truly had to look away, but I couldn't stop. I wanted to go help.

That's it. Two blogs in one day. Whoa.

Spit up #2 for Brad of the night.
Just after this..he peed on that shirt.

After spitting up on attractive.
Brad loves him some Noah.
I don't know if you can tell..that's spit up #1.
Showing off his blue eyes during tummy time after our walk today.
Spit up #1.
He stands up on Brad and rest on his chest.
He really likes to lay on his sometimes for nap time I'll let him if I'm right there. Precious.
Just thought this was so funny. We were going for a can totally see his little chubby cheeks when he's in his car seat.
That's it for the day. We had a really productive day today and I'm so thankful for that. Tomorrow we need to have another one and then Carl and Rosemary will be here for the weekend. Yay for family time!

1 comment:

Grandma and Grandpa said...

Oh, Rach ~ you sound like your OLD SELF, finally!!!! I love that you are throwing all the old no-no's out the window; babies don't know any better :o)! I will have to look up e-mealz; sounds like a winner to me!!! As for the hoarding show ~ I have watched one episode, and part of another one with Grandpa. Seriously, do people LIVE LIKE THAT????? All of that stuff that OTHER people would be GLAD to have (well, not the rat feces, etc. but you know what I mean). Such a waste ~ of people, money, and things that could be put to better use. I can't watch it either. Love ALL of you!!!! Tell Carl and Rosemary we said 'Hi'. Love g