Thursday, April 25, 2013

House Shopping

We made our first offer on a house here last night. 

Didn't get it. They countered, and we could have countered back but we knew our limit and it just wasn't going to happen on this house.  

I'm bummed.

Yet, thankful.  I've been praying for very clearly opened or closed doors.  Just as we did in Taylor.  I'm so grateful the Lord answered that prayer today.  I LOVED this house.  It had an awesome layout, a full unfinished basement, and it needed some TLC to make it ours. I was super excited though.  But it was at the top of our price range and we knew that we didn't have a lot of wiggle room in the offer. 

Unfortunately...neither did the seller.  

So when we got the counter offer we talked it over and just wasn't the right decision so we bowed out.  As sad and bummed as I am...I'm also so thankful because it is exactly what I prayed for.  It was a closed door.  We both knew it and we both feel at peace about it.  I am 100% sure that this was the right decision.  

So tonight I'm very thankful because we are on the same page.  YAY.  The right house will come, in His time...not mine.  

Abbs is super smiley these days.  And she coos.  I love it.

Noah man is so cuddly these days.  He is all about hugs and kisses for the three of us.  Randomly during the day he'll come and give me a big hug and kiss.  It's so precious.  And so unexpected with the crazy little man that he is.  We're especially excited because boy loves his Abby.  I know I've said this before...but I mean seriously..he can't get enough of her.  She's the second word out of his mouth most mornings..right after daddy.  He goes to find her first thing...and calls for her when she's sleeping.  He loves to rock her and give her a paci.  Shares his toys with her. She smiles at him even when he's rough with her.  Makes my heart so happy.  I know it won't maybe always be this way..but I sure am loving it right now. 

I go back to work May 16th.  I'm scared/sad/kinda excited all at the same time.

Rox and Jake were here this weekend, and El and Ryan were here two weeks ago.  It has been so amazing!  We LOVE spending time with them and their babies.  

We're going to Florida in two weeks...I'm excited for Abbs to finally meet Sarah and her family.  

That's it for tonight.  Abby girl is asleep on my lap..I'm tempted to not move until she wakes up to eat again.  She's in a bit of a growth spurt I think..she's back to eating every three hours (4-5 on the front end of the night), but we're definitely not sleeping as much at night.  And she's over 10 pounds now..just since we were at the doctor last week.  She all of a sudden feels big to me.  

That temptation to not move is going to lose out to the temptation to eat oreos.  I'm totally going to move because I have to get milk for those.  :)  

1 comment:

Amanda Jeffries said...

We're house shopping too at the moment, it's so depressing sometimes. And it's so hard to wait patiently too.

We found two great houses and got outbid on both of them, seems like all the ones we like get offers on them before we even get a change to see them or we're competing with 3 other people on a house.