Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Soooo many updates!

Easter...I never updated after Easter.

This Easter was the first away from our families; however, it was perfect! We went to church in the morning, and had an amazing service and worship time. Then we headed over to the Peterson home for an Easter Brunch. I can't even describe all the delicious food. Brittany and Steve are pretty much awesome hosts, and Brittany can make some fantastic caramel bread and egg casserole. Sweet Brittany then shared the recipes with the ladies, Brad specifically requested one for me. :) I'll have to surprise him someday soon with some of the sweet bread. I didn't take many pictures, but I have one of some of the ladies.

It was hard being away from the family, but I'll tell you that we are SO thankful for the way the Lord has blessed us with amazing friendships down here. These people are just flat out amazing. Period.
First Easter married. So fun!

Sunday evening, the now owners of our soon to be home, invited us over. We spent almost 2 hours just chatting with the couple. They truly are so very sweet. It is hard to think of how they have to leave this home that they love, but we are so thankful for how sweet they have been to us through the whole process. Just this past week, they agreed to move a week early so we could close and lock in a lower rate. I think we owe them.

Now for a sad update. I truly have bombed on the NCAA tournament. BOMBED. Greeny and I are on bad terms now. I picked UT and Georgetown for the final can imagine how I'm feeling right now, as Brad picked UNC and UCLA. So much for the underdogs. Boo. I think life may go on though.

1 comment:

Standeford Stories said...

Check the new updated blog background out...I hope to keep it updated as much as you do! :) miss you!