Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So, I just arrived home in Austin from a FANTASTIC trip back to Indiana over the weekend! Brad, the sweet husband he is, recognized that I was in need of some family time, and a perfect opportunity came up. He said I could go, and therefore we spent our first 5 nights apart since we were married. I've decided not to leave him again, but it was an amazing weekend!

As a warning...these next posts could be LONG because I have pictures and stories, and I have to touch on EVERYTHING! :) I'll try to break it up...but no promises!

So, a couple of weeks ago, I received an invitation to Rox's wedding shower. I had been having some major missing Indiana friends and family moments over the past few months, and this seemed like the perfect time to head home for a visit. I even had time off around the day. I asked Brad, and we decided now might be a good time, and the tickets were even priced well. So, I decided to make a surprise for Rox at her shower. I'm not very good at surprises either, so it was a tough couple of weeks! So worth it though!

On Friday I headed toward Lafayette to meet Mom, Nana, Sarah, and Emily at the airport. I was a big ball of tears all day. When I left Brad in the morning, I was tearful with leaving him. Then as soon as I saw my family pull up, I was a mess all over again. So, I calmed down a bit, and we headed to Friday's for dinner. Yum...and just a nice chance to have some lady time.
Story for Friday's: I tipped the waiter extra because he was really nice to the table next to our table to help that waitress out, and he didn't get mad when we were indecisive...then I left my credit card at the table. He literally chased us to the car, and as Mom started the car he knocked on the window with my card. I was stinking glad I tipped him well after that! :)

After we finished dinner, we headed to Target so I could get Rox and Jake's gift. Plus, Emily LOVES Target! (Who doesn't?) After parading around the store, and changing my mind 20 times, I finally picked out a gift and we headed home. On the way we stopped by Sarah and Phil's new home. It's beautiful! They did such a great job on it! I know they miss their home in Florida too, but this one is great. Plus, it is one street over from Nana and Papa, and Papa keeps them supplied with a daily dose of milkshakes..I'm a bit jealous.

Also Friday, our surprise was almost spoiled! I had told El early on that I was coming home so that we could hang out. I was supposed to go to her house after I got home, but Rox had decided she was going to hang out with Ellen. Poor Ellen, good thing she's a better secret keeper than I am! I called and she pretended it was her mom so Rox would not find out. Thanks El! We didn't get to hang out after all, but I appreciated her help! We got some quality time later on in the weekend.

It was such a great start to my home visit...

Next post: Saturday!

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