Monday, April 7, 2008

Surprise...Round 4!

MONDAY! Monday was a busy busy day!

Early Monday was breakfast with Manders at our place! Oliverio's has been our breakfast spot since high school. Every time I came home from Olivet, Manders and I would do breakfast. There is nothing like biscuits and gravy or pancakes from Oliverio's. Manders gets coffee and I get hot chocolate, and then we discuss how why not plug in the carbs, and continue to order english muffins, biscuits, pancakes. BRING ON THE DELICIOUSNESS!! Love it! Candy, one of the owner's, knows us by name and she always says hi when she sees us. It's a beautiful tradition. Our one picture is blurry, but I don't it is.
After breakfast, headed home and took a quick nap and then headed to lunch with Becca. FYI: I ate out a LOT at home. Lunch was at Pita Pit, which was a first for me, it was amazing! I had a great time catching up with Becca. She and Jared have been such great friends to us, it's always great to see them.

After lunch, I met up with El at St. E and got to go say hello to my former coworkers. I was so spoiled at St. E, talk about loving a job! El and I then picked Rox up and headed to the dress store to pick up our dresses for Rox's wedding. They're really pretty. They fit pretty well, which is a blessing! We saw Rox's dress too; it's stunning! It's going to be a beautiful wedding. Mom met up with us too, secretly I think Mom misses the craziness of planning our wedding. Right mom? :) Actually, she came so we could go get coffee, which we did after the dress store. I don't think mom and I have ever actually just gone for coffee. It was great. We got to sit and talk and relax, and we should have been doing that so long ago!!

After coffee, Carly called to see if I would like to go see Laura's apartment. Laura also went to McCutcheon, and though we didn't hang out that much, we have now become stalker's of one another's blogs. She is getting married in May, and I read her blog literally daily. I have read all about her soon to be husband, and their adorable apartment, so I was so excited to go see the apartment. It is truly adorable, by the way. It is in this house, upstairs, and it's so homey and looks to be the perfect first home. Her fiance is very sweet too; they're so cute together. Laura just glows it! I had a great time with she and Carly sharing stories. It is so neat to hear where everyone is now, and to grow friendships even from far away.

Finally Monday evening, I came to my final destination: babysitting Emily. Dad and Luke were there when I got there, Dad had stopped by to make sure I could see him before I had to leave on Tuesday. Rox, Jake, and El came over also to help with the babysitting, or for just a chance to visit. Either way, it was good to see them one last time before leaving.
I just love her!Finally, after Sarah and Phil came home and we had some chat time, I headed home and watched Enchanted with Luke. By the way, such a cute movie! I MAY have slept through some of it, but every time I woke up, it made me laugh.

And that was my Monday! Wonderful day...and on to Tuesday!!

Tuesday, I accidentally overslept (I was worn out by Tuesday) and was late for breakfast with J.D. I got there eventually, though, and it was great to have a chance to catch up with him. I only got to see him briefly over Christmas break, so it was good to visit! He's in grad school at Purdue, smart guy that one.

After we finished, I had to go get all my things since I was in such a rush when I left for breakfast. I then ran over to Grandma Roth's house. Grandma Roth, for those of you who don't know, is my great-grandma. She is 97 (6?) years old, and one fiesty lady. Aunt Jo was there too, so I spent a little while just talking with them. At one point, Aunt Jo and I were chatting, and Grandma started chuckling all to herself, she then told us a pretty funny story about getting ready earlier that week. She's spry I tell you. She let me pick out some figurines that she has collected to take home with me. That's so special to me, any family memories are something I cherish so much. For my shower this summer, Grandma gave me some of her cookbooks that have notes all over them for long ago when she was using them, and two more figurines. These are displayed in our little cabinet with my Willow Tree angels.

I then headed over to meet Mom, Sarah, and Emily for lunch. It's so hard to say good-bye. As Mom was leaving to head back to work, we were both a little tearful. Poor little Emily, it was adorable, her eyes got all big and she reached out to touch Mom. I decided she was trying to comfort her Grammy.

Then it was on to Grandma and Grandpa Clark's house. They live right around the corner from Grandma Roth. I always thought that was pretty cool growing up, if I visited one I could walk right across the little field and get to the other's house. We didn't do a lot of that, but I always thought it was neat. It was so fun to visit with them. They read our blog and were up to date on all the new things in our life, it was fun to fill them in on all the details! I spent almost an hour there, but ended up having to leave because it was time to head to the airport. Time flies so fast at home.

Finally it was on to Nana and Papa's. Had to say by to Luke, Sarah, and Emily. So hard. It's funny how you take things for granted when you have it all at the fingertips. Nana and Papa then took me to Indy for my flight. I was so thankful they happened to get home on Thursday before I did on Friday, so I got to see them too. Next time, I need more cards though. They are planning on coming down in July too...I'm pumped for them to come see our house and show them Austin!

And that was my trip...hopefully I haven't forgotten anything.

After that, it was two LONG flights back to my husband. I don't know if they were actually long, of if I just missed him so much it felt like forever, but man was it good to see him when I landed! I feel pretty strongly about not leaving that man here in Austin without me again...I've grown pretty attached.

One funny story... on the flight from Dallas to Austin, I fell asleep I guess before we had even taken off. Then during the flight I woke up, and looked out the window and could not figure for the life of me if we were flying or we were still on the runway. I had a good 3 minutes of confusion, and then realized there were light below us and they were announcing we were about to descend into Austin. That was a pretty good feeling! back to life in Austin.

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