Monday, May 2, 2011

Sweet Victory!

A blog about our fantastic trip up to Indiana is coming.

But now..I just have to say I am so excited!

I have been deep cleaning our house all day! Sweet Noah has been napping well..and in between my work times we have gotten lots of snuggle time. So all in all an amazing day!

I realize this is not exactly blog worthy. But I really enjoy deep cleaning days. I really enjoy looking at the house after it's finished and saying aahhhh. I feel like I can relax then.

These days haven't really happened in the last two months...because I couldn't bear to tear myself away from our sweet boy. So that's the reason for the victory..Noah and I are totally getting into a rhythm and I love it! I really dig being at home with him...but I've struggled with the roles of wife, mother, and just Rachael. But in the last few weeks..we've really found our groove and I adore it. I think I'm finally figuring out how to be productive while making sure I'm getting plenty of time to just love on that sweet boy. I'm grateful for this! I'm especially grateful of the timing. I go back to work on Sunday. Just one day a week...but I've been dreading leaving Noah, and have been fearful of how I will add another role to my life...but I'm trusting that the Lord is going to get me through that. He hasn't left me yet, and I know that won't change.

So that's it for the day. Noah and I...we make one heck of a team.

P.S. Don't get me wrong...that Brad guy...he's a star player on our team too..he just happens to be out making the money for this little fam during the day :) We're thankful for that awesome man!

1 comment:

LauraSuz said...

Aaah, balancing. Always a hard thing, I think. Luckily His grace IS always flowing!

Good luck! I bet you're a great wife, mom, and nurse, all while keeping true to yourself.