Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Because I don't want to forget this time...

I'm going to write down some of my favorite Noah things.

I have to write them here..because I'm not great at baby books (I'm still working on Noah's...1.5 years later so I have to write it down somewhere...) so I'm going to write it out so just in case I get to that baby book I have the info to fill it in.  :)

Our little man is crazy.  Crazy fun.  Crazy silly.  Crazy busy. Crazy TODDLER.
We're in LOVE. 

Lots of things I need to get a picture of or a video..but here we go.

He is now front facing in the car.  Our pediatrician might have our tails if we were still in Austin..but after riding front facing while in Florida and then at Mom and Dad's..he is no longer interested in rear facing.  Our car rides are now much more chatty.  Sweet little man of ours likes to tell me about everything he sees.  I love it.  He does yell out what he wants me to know...and gets louder until I respond.  So we have quite the time.

He throws things from the backseat at me.  It's pretty funny.  I shouldn't let him do it, but it just cracks me up. And he only does it when he's playing.  

He can also see me, which is good and bad.  If I'm eating...bad..he wants what I have. If he's's bad..because he realizes he can vocalize how unhappy he is.  But if he's in a good's awesome because he is full on in all his silly glory and I love it.

Moving on from the car...he has some new words.
Emi: Semi
Bus: Bus (He thinks anything that is rounded on top is a bus even UPS trucks and dump trucks)
Utru: Truck
Mo: More
Peas: Please
Pubby: Puppy
Up peas: Up please
Yesh: Yes

Meme: Ma'am (Which he will get on a roll saying Meme Meme Meme- I'm really trying to get him into yes ma'am.  We'll see how that goes.)
cackers: Crackers

He answers questions with or ummm.yesh. Sometimes the answer makes me want to pull my hair out..always the answer is cute.

He is a full on tantrum throwing toddler now.  I'm not sure what to do.  There is a real moment of terror that comes over me when he goes into meltdown mode.  It kinda makes me want to curl up and cry.  (I think that may be partially pregnancy hormones) On Sunday we had a tantrum moment at home.  I mean the boy was in hysterics.  Brad tried to do the discipline (because that most definitely is more effective than Mama despite my best efforts) we put him in timeout, I went in after two different attempts by Brad and he finally calmed down.  I don't even remember what on earth the tantrum was over.  Today is was because he tried to hit me (that's new too) in Penney's so I wouldn't let him walk anymore and he screamed the entire way out of the store.  I felt like every woman in the store was thinking "Woman get your child under control" and all I could think was "Lord how do I parent him in this moment? Because I'm pretty much out of ideas."

Please parents of children older than mine..any tips?  Brad and I are all about trying anything.  It's not all the time by any means. For the majority of times he is our sweet tender hearted boy.  But I have this fear of not curbing these behaviors early enough, and we want so badly to raise him understand that we discipline him for his heart, so that he can display the love of Jesus, and not just be on him about his behavior.

Back to fun..
If you ask him how a flamingo stands he kicks one foot out.  It's adorable.  Our neighbors have three plastic flamingo's in one of their flower pots so we do this alot.

He will dance sometimes.  Cracks us up.

Plays well with other kiddos.

He thinks it's hilarious to be chased. So he will grab something he knows he isn't supposed to have and go running with it with this huge ornery grin on his face.

He has learned he can open to bottom cabinets to stand in them to reach things on the counter.

He loves to throw things away, or put things in the sink, or "help" me with the laundry and emptying the dishwasher, he'll bring pillows when I'm making the bed.  My little cleaner man.

He has become kinda a snuggler in the last few weeks.  Oh my goodness am I in LOVE.  I am treasuring every moment of snuggles I get because once that baby #2 comes I know our time will be a little more limited for just he and mama time.

LOVES to be outside. At mom and dad's he gets so excited if I say the word outside.

Likes to find my shoes to give to me.

Has a happy dance where he kinda hops back and forth from one foot to another.  It's so stinking adorable.  I need to video it.

He LOVES babies.  Everywhere we go he says "baby baby baby" and then if the baby is crying he is super worried about it "UH OH UH OH Baby!" There were babies crying on our flight home from Florida..I thought he was going to jump over the seat to get to them.  He was pretty obsessed with sweet Ella while we were in Florida.   

That's it for now.  Have a great week! 

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