Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Day 1 of working out..which I was seriously pumped about...was on Monday. I went to a Body Pump class that I LOVED. However, about 10 minutes in my legs were shaking. Either I am really out of shape (TRUTH) or that class was ROUGH! I definitely intend to go back to that class; however...

now, 2 days later..I can't extend my arms without pain and my triceps are literally swollen. Not even an exaggeration, I can't bend my arms up easily at all to talk on my phone. It's painful. Taking my scrubs off is like torture.

Remember when their fitness assessment said my body thinks it's 28? Whoa. It was right. Sad.

Also, I clocked in this morning at 5:55 and clocked out at 8:30. It's been a long day. Not complaining, because seriously I am LOVING CCU. Today was crazy, like 14 1/2 hours crazy.
Bed now though because last day tomorrow, and then New Year's and at least 4 days off! I say at least because I honestly don't know!

Hope you have a great couple of days..can you believe it's already 2010? Whoa.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

So Great!

So this Christmas was fantastic!! I'll update with pictures soon...but update.

We joined Gold's Gym.

Why Gold's?
1. It's the cheapest.
2. It's clean.
3. It's close to home
4. Classes are included.
5. It's clean.
6. They have classes that are included
7. We joined during a special deal and didn't have to pay enrollment fees.

So OPERATION TEAM ALLISON starts tomorrow afternoon once we're back in town. Time to get in shape! WOO!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


So I aged a year on Saturday...and I can't even lie...I'm so excited for this 25th year of life. I know I'm still young, but my 24th year was awesome, and I'm super pumped for the 25th.

Brad made me feel like a princess for my birthday. He surprised me with a very first ever...and it was phenomenal! He sent me to an address and when I got there I found out what I was having done..I loved it! I thought it might be weird..but I think I might be addicted! We then went to grab lunch at California Pizza Kitchen, and before we went Brad's boss allowed me to pick a purse out for my birthday. I picked a beautiful purple purse that I love! (Rue Princess is the line, check them out they are great!) After lunch I went home and enjoyed hanging out until Brad finished with work and then we headed out to dinner at Austin Land & Cattle! That's our favorite steak house, and it's cozy, and I LOVE it! It's a special occasion kind of place, that's only the second time we've ever been there since we've lived in Austin. It was perfect!

Saturday morning on my actual birthday we decided to sleep in and just spend the day together. We did some Christmas shopping and then some friends came over for dinner. Seriously, i twas my favorite birthday so far I think! Thank you sweet husband, for the perfect weekend!

Now, we're up in Indiana and so excited to spend time with both of our families for Christmas! We just got here today and it's so great to be here! Our trip is shorter this time because we both have to get back to work, and it was an unexpected blessing to get to be here for Christmas, so we'll take the shorter trip!

One quick fun story...
This morning our flight left from Austin at 6:10am...and Brad had warned me that he might want to leave pretty early, but I had NO IDEA. We left home at 3:10 this morning (meaning we were up at 2:30am) and arrived to the airport before even the American Airline staff were at the counter. Not joking. We stood and waited to go through security because we couldn't check our bags without the people. Seriously. However, as grouchy as this made me and for all the grief I gave him...we had ZERO complications with travel. Point Brad.

Hope you have a blessed Christmas! Remember that this is the season where God provided us with our only hope for salvation when he sent us Jesus!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Fact: I LOVE receiving Christmas cards! I love the pictures, and the letters, and the pretty cards and overall I just love them!

Confession: I do not send Christmas cards. So if you are our friend or family...I apologize. It's definitely our goal for next year.

Fact: I LOVE giving Christmas gifts!

Confession: I am a LATE shopper. We're going shopping today to finish out what we can. But I can almost guarantee that I'll be shopping next week when we get to Indiana. :)

That's it for now! It's my birthday so we're headed out to Christmas shop! :) Hope you all have a fantastic day!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Gym membership. WHAT?! today when Brad left for work he asked me to go to some gyms today to talk about membership prices. So I was all.."SURE I'd love to." We've been talking about this for months..and I'm starting to see the jiggly parts and I'm not all about that.

So...after my haircut, I picked up a sausage mcgriddle (because what says gym membership like Mcdonald's?) and headed on my way.

Time Out: My stylist had told me not to go to Lifetime Fitness if I was content at one of the other gyms...because I'll never be ok with them after I see a Lifetime Fitness.

Time in: I obviously didn't listen to my stylist, because the first gym on my way home was Lifetime. I stopped and went in. BIG MISTAKE. Jason, my ever so kind tour guide, showed me the AWESOMENESS of lifetime. I use that term not at all lightly..I mean that place is like a resort. It has a salon, spa, pools, big screens in the locker room, rock climbing, raquetball courts, basketball courts, a GINORMOUS "fitness floor," and like 80 workout classes to choose from. IT'S ALSO UNBELIEVABLY CLEAN. Seriously. I mean I am not at all motivated to get in shape..but just walking in that place made you feel ready to get PUMPED! Then Jason reveals the price to me. Now, obviously I have never had a gym membership before..and really I had no idea what to when he dropped the number on me, I was all "wow...that's not really that bad." I told him I would have to talk with Brad and get back to them. Then I called Brad...his response was "WHOA, that is REALLY expensive." Shoot. I mean I was ready to do it..all in..let's get in shape. So that was my first stop..and obviously I'm in trouble because now every gym has to compete with this.

Next stop: 24 Hour Fitness.
It's ok, it's in a strip mall in Round Rock which is pretty difficult to get to. The price is better, but I mean they don't have HEATED yoga rooms (have I EVER done yoga? not once.) and their pool is smaller, and the locker room isn't immaculate. Uh oh. They gave me a free week pass though, so ok. I'll talk to you later Adam.

Next: YMCA
Now this one..I'm all about. Mom and Sarah do the Y at home, and I love going to classes with them, so I've been really excited to price this one. I get there, and you can barely walk through the hallway, but there was a silent auction going on for an awesome cause so I'm totally ok with it. My tourguide, I didn't get her name, was very sweet. I liked her because she was friendly and honest and I liked it. Next thing I know, someone is interrupting our tour to tell her that her car had just been broken into. WHAT?! In broad daylight two cars were broken into the the YMCA's parking lot. I say thanks..and head on my way. A little scared.

Finally: Gold's Gym
I sign in and grab a seat on the leather couch. A leather couch I could have passed out asleep on if given 5 more minutes. Who puts a couch like that in a gym? Anyways, they make you fill out your fitness goals and how motivated you are to accomplish these goals. If you know me, you know I don't have fitness goals. I filled in something about losing weight and getting toned (sounds good right) and then mark myself as a 5 out of 10 for motivation.

In walks Cary my tourguide, who announces to me that he's not exactly pleased with my lack of motivation. He'd really like to see me at a 10...CLEARLY he doesn't know me. He then gives me a tour of the place, and I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed. It's very clean, lots of machines, classes to choose from, lots of good things. Then I do a personal fitness assessment. I have to choose which parts of my body to add fat to, and as you do it the girl in the picture gets bigger. WHAT? It told me my body thinks it's 28 years old..OUCH. My face thinks it's 12. I think I'm in crisis mode. Anyways, the price here was identical to 24 Hour Fitness, and like 2 dollars more than the Y, and I thought I got a discount from the hospital . Turns out you have to enroll through HR so that put that deal on hold.

And I'm done. NO more gym visits for me today. But dilemmas all around.
1. Why is Lifetime Fitness so expensive?
2. Why do I feel like I need all those crazy things? I have not played basketball in years, I haven't ever climbed a rock wall (though I would LOVE to), I've never played raquetball, and yoga and pilates aren't even in my vocab.
3. Why am I so intimidated by gyms?
4. Are we really going to do this?
5. How do people make this decision?

All this to say...I obviously won't be the one making this decision, because I am WAY to indecisive.

On the up side..other than Lifetime...they are all almost identical in price, and much closer to what Brad planned to spend.

Whoa. You might ask after reading this why we're even bothering with this? Here's the deal. I love to be active, but I do not like just going out to run. I do ride my bike, but if I just get home fom work I'm not going to do that in the dark alone. I also love classes that make you work. Brad loves to work out, and has wanted to join a gym for some time. So now is the time.

I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

And we're back!

Back from Indiana..and had a great time!!

Will update soon with pictures and details.

Here's the news for this week...

IT'S SUPPOSED TO SNOW TOMORROW!! IN AUSTIN!! Are you kidding me?! I mean that's crazy. Up to an inch..I think the town will shut down if that actually happens.

Wanna know what's funny about that? The hospital's Christmas party is tomorrow..on the roof of the parking garage. We're gonna freeze to death. Love it. However, if we get stuck there because the ONE plow that Austin probably owns might not be able to keep up with it, at least we'll have food.

I LOVE SNOW THOUGH!! It would totally make my year if it snows tomorrow!

Also...Christmas is coming!

1. Hobby Lobby is SO decked out for Christmas.
2. Our lights/tree are up...though we blew a fuse so our outdoor lights aren't really working. Oops.
3. I made candies for our neighbors today. I'm super pumped about this.
4. We're having a cookie exchange on Satuday..I'm also super pumped about this.
5. Our small group is having a Christmas party on Sunday...
6. Followed by a Christmas party next Saturday
7. Follwed by another Christmas party the next Sunday
8. Followed by another trip to Indiana.



Have a great night!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thanksgiving is coming....

So I'm not really very interesting this mind is FOCUSED!!

In 2 days we will be with family and I am just so stinking stoked!!

Sarah called the other day to tell me Emily wanted to talk to me..Em told me we can make brownies when I'm home, and when I told her we could maybe go to Monkey Joe's she responded with "that would be very fun." That precious child speaks in sentences..and Anna is trying to walk..I mean seriously! So that is where my mind is at.

However, one funny story of the week.

Last night as we got into bed Brad was watching something on ESPN and a song came on..

Let It Rock by Kevin Rudolf.

I don't know if you know this song...but it's a pretty manly song..however...

Brad knows it from somewhere else..when it came on he asked

"Rach what does this remind you of"

To which I answered...


What have I done to that sweet man? That was from 2 seasons ago! I love it!

I then told him that this was definitely blog worthy...he told me I'd never figure out what song that was. Don't underestimate your wife's power of perseverance my love. Game on.

Friday, November 13, 2009


It's the weekend! I'm excited!

This weekend means:
No work
Time with my love
Time with friends
Celebrating baptism with a dear friend
One week away from Indiana
One week away from both our families
One week away from back home friends
One week away from the girls' shopping trip with my family
One week away from my dear friend's wedding
One week away from our precious nieces
Just over a week away from Thanksgiving
3 more shifts before I become a CCU nurse

I love this time of the year.

This week has been tough. I've been feeling a little under the weather, and I've been GROUCHY. I think I'm nervous. This job changing thing..though's intimidating. I've been in this job since I graduated, I love the people I work with, I love my patients - and while I'll still be with the same doctors and the same hospital...everything else is changing. For those of you who know me, change is NOT on my list of favorite things.

In the position I am now I feel competent, sometimes even good. I love what I do and I'm confident that for the most part I do it well. But starting November 29th, I'm willingly choosing to know nothing again. It makes me sick to my stomach. AH! I'm praying for peace. I'm depending on God because I know he's going to be with me in this...but whoa it's scary. And seriously..grouchy Rachael has got to go...I don't know what to do with myself. I was found out I was getting a patient the other day and I got all teary. I think my coworkers were at a complete loss, I am not one to ever be upset at work, so to see me cry is kinda shocking. I'm so thankful though, because when that patient rolled up..there were 2 nurses and 2 techs there doing my job so that I could take a minute to breathe. I love the people I work with. I love being a part of a team.

So that's my life story.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Woke up this morning, 4:45am, dragging and way not motivated to go to work.

Got ready, prayed that the Lord would protect my patients, my decisions, and my attitude at work today, and that it might be a nice day because every once in awhile you need one of those at work.

Headed out around 5:30 (LATE) and drove my tush there quickly! Listened to some Chris Tomlin Christmas Worship music - yea we have that cd early and I definitely like it! Prayed again that the Lord would bless this day because I wasn't feeling well and could tell my heart just wasn't there today.

Arrive at work- 5:57 am (MADE IT!) - my name is not on the list.

Go to resource office to see why - find out I don't know how to read a schedule..I don't have to be there until tomorrow. Ask if I need to stay - get told nope they're totally staffed for the day.

6:05 on my way out the door. WOOOOO!!

6:45 back at home with coffee for sweet Brad and ready to spend some time with my Bible, that I missed this morning because I was SLOW.

Thank you Lord for the undeserved surprise this morning! I will choose to find a blessing in the fact that I can't read! Hope you have a great day!

Monday, November 9, 2009


It seems that every week I am learning more and more that I have so much room to grow in my walk with the Lord. Not that this comes as any big surprise, but certainly gives me things to work on. In the past few months God has seriously been changing my heart and I think growing it to me more like His. I am so very thankful for it! However, I'm not sure I'm doing such a great job ...but thank goodness for Jesus-it's not about me anyways! is what I learned this week.

1. God created sabbath. He created it and He commanded it, and this seems to be one commandment I choose to ignore.
Exodus 20:8-11 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, or your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Mark 2:27 Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."

God didn't need to rest on the Sabbath, I mean, He is GOD. He blessed that day and in that blessed us.
It will renew and restore us physically.
It was will renew and restore us spiritually.

That's not where it stops though.
Deuteronomy 5:12-15 Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor the alien within your gates, so that your manservant and maidservant may rest as you do. REMEMBER THAT YOU WERE SLAVES IN EGYPT AND THAT THE LORD YOUR GOD BROUGHT YOU OUT OF THERE WITH A MIGHTY HAND AND AN OUTSTRETCHED ARM. THEREFORE THE LORD YOUR GOD HAS COMMANDED YOU TO OBSERVE THE SABBATH DAY.

I need to let my sabbath be a reminder to me that NO victory or success that comes my way is from my work but from my God's mighty hand. If I am trying to achieve or striving towards my own success on sabbath, I am choosing to say I don't trust God. I am saying I am unable to take even one day of my week to let go of those things in my life to remember that God is completely in control of my life. I say I surrender to him, I say I give Him control, yet do I spend one day of my week completely resting in Him? No.

Lord forgive my weak, selfish, wavering heart.

We sang this song this always gets me.

Prone to wander
Lord I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart Lord
Take and seal it
Seal it for thy courts above.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


1. I have to apologize to sweet Brad...he says it's gross I posted a picture of his foot. I think it's awesome. Sorry.

2. I am going to officially be a CCU nurse as of November 29. I am SCARED out of my mind but also so so excited. This has been my dream since I graduated from nursing school and now here I am ready to go. I'm extremely happy that I'm getting the opportunity to do this at the Heart Hospital so please pray that the Lord would bless this time and would just give me His peace and calm as I make this transition.

3. We get to go towards Indiana for Thanksgiving! We will be there for 8 days! YAY! My dear friend Debs is getting married, I'm going to go on the girls shopping trip with my family, we'll get to see our precious nieces, and we get to spend Thanksgiving with both of our families.

4. We can't explain enough how excited we are to be staying in Austin. We both are at peace and excited to see the Lord work in us here. Overall, I just am so overwhelmed with thankfulness and wonder at God's amazing timing and protection. I don't think words can describe how I feel, but I can definitely just feel the Lord's hand on our life..and that's exciting! I just pray that we will not waste this time He has given us.

5. I have a obsession with do it yourself home improvement and decor ideas. I LOVE all the design blogs that are out there, and I LOVE antique stores, and I'm so excited to try some of these. Stay tuned...if it actually happens I'll post.

6. I've also taken up sewing again. I definitely feel like I'm starting all over. I bought a pattern and some remnant fabric and I've got it all cut out...I'm just too afraid to mess up so I haven't actually started the project yet. Actually, today after our windows get washed that is my intended plan. I love only working three days a week.

All for now..have a great week!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A & M Football

What should you never wear to a Texas A&M Game?

Flip Flops.


You might get kicked by one of the 10,000 feet wearing cowboy boots and end up with a seriously in pain pinky toe. Oops.

So worth it though! We went to the game this weekend with David and Kathrin and had SUCH a fantastic time! It's always so relaxing at the ranch and we love spending time with the Campises! Football here in Texas is a serious lifestyle. Seeing that we're Purdue fans..and they seem to find a way to let us's fun to experience UT and A&M. Those two definitely are not feeling the love for each other; however, we just love a good game. So we went to midnight yell on Friday night, and then the game on Saturday. We had an awesome time cheering on the Aggies, can't even lie..I LOVED IT! I loved all the songs and the crazy cheers and all the awesomeness of that many people who are SERIOUSLY devoted to football. It was great! So thanks David and Kathrin for letting us join in the fun!

So overall it was an awesome weekend! We rested, we enjoyed our time with was FANSTINKINGTASTIC!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I have a problem.

I love Dancing with the Stars. Like SERIOUSLY. I get the giggles every Monday/Tuesday night waiting for it...and I cringe every Tuesday during the elimination. I'm so embarrassed to admit this. See...I would like to say that right now I'm doing something extremely productive; I'm not. I'm sitting on my couch googling do it yourself design blogs watching Dancing with the Stars.

Then...Taylor Swift comes on. Taylor Swift...I recently discovered I love her music. Then she sings her song Love Story, and I'm watching her sing and the pros dance and I literally have a child's grin on my face. Like a child who just got a new toy for Christmas. It's ridiculous.

Yet, I'm on edge because I'm afraid Louie is going home this week. Sad story.

That's all. It's pathetic, yes I know. I'm working on updating the blog more often though, and that's my thought for tonight.

P.S. Brad is loving his job. We're definitely in an adjustment period...I'm used to having Brad at home every day, and today was my first day off when he was at work and I was lonely. Poor me. Hahaha kidding's AMAZING. I LOVE that he's loving what he does. Yay for new jobs!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's official...we're staying here! previously mentioned...we have some awesome news! Now at this point you who know us probably know that Brad has gotten a job!! What you may not know is the awesome story behind this I will tell you. Get excited- it may be long.

Rewind to 8 months ago...Brad was laid off from Samsung. That was frustrating. To be honest, when I planned my life that wasn't included in it. Surprised? I didn't think so. Brad really handled this well, when I struggled with bitterness at the way Samsung treated him, Brad reminded me how I needed to forgive and let that bitterness go. He has such an amazing heart.

Anyways, so for eight months I have watched Brad persevere. He applied for at least three jobs each week, and heard nothing - and I mean nothing for at least five months. That is hard on a man, but he did it with a good attitude. He did it while leaning on the Lord for our support and security.

Now, it hasn't been all bad. He was able to do lots of things that if he were still working at Samsung he wouldn't have been able to do. For example, go on a mission trip, work with Dave as a plumber, learn to fix our cars, become an AWESOME handy man, see me every day. You know, all good things! I think these past eight months have been a great experience for us.

So, like I said he had no hits for five months. At one point this summer, I think in late July/early August he scored his first phone interview, but again that was a no. Then, in August he had a phone interview with Westinghouse in Utah. He thought it went well, but was under the impression that they were looking for someone with more of a metallurgical background, and so we weren't really that surprised when they went another way.

Then our friend Mike asked Brad if he would be interested in a project managing job, and Brad said yes...and then Westinghouse contacted Brad and said they had reopened the position and would like him to fly out for an on site interview. We went ...whoa. That email came and they wanted him to come the next week. So last Thursday (as in 10 days ago) he flew to Utah for an interview.

Sidenote: After this trip was scheduled, we received a call from Greg at the Austin company asking Brad to come in and talk about the job. Brad went in on the Wednesday, the day before he flew to Utah.

We didn't really know what to do so we just prayed and asked for guidance. We really wanted to know that whatever happened we were depending on the Lord and not on ourselves.

On to this week...when Brad got home from the interview he wasn't really sure what to think. He seemed to think he wouldn't be getting an we just went about our week as normal. Then Wednesday at 5 pm he called me telling me he had a job offer in Utah. I promptly reacted with tears like a baby in front of a doctor (thankfully female) at work. I was an absolute wreck and had to finish out the day and get home as soon as possible.

Thankfully, when I got home our small group was here. There is just something about being able to pray over things together with friends that is unexplainable. So, we talked and cried..and Brad told me that we were supposed to make a decision by in two days. SERIOUSLY?!?!

We spent that night literally in between praying and crying. This was a great job offer. It was a secure company, a great package, and an engineering job. We woke up Thursday really intending to probably take that job. However, Brad really wanted to talk to Greg again about the project managing job here in Austin just in case. It is not an engineering Brad really had to decide where he wanted to take his career, so he called Greg and set up a meeting for Thursday afternoon. I spent the entire day looking up apartments, hospitals, and churches in Utah. I also spent the day just praying that if this was where the Lord was leading us he would make it so clear. I really wanted Brad to take the job that he really wanted, and to not just take a job because either a. he didn't want to take us away from Austin or b. because he thought he needed to take an engineering job.

So, he went to the meeting with Greg and Helen, and when he left had an offer for employment there also. He was so very encouraged after that meeting. They were so encouraging and supportive of whatever decision he made. He came home, and I really thought he still intended to take the Utah job. So much so we had pretty much told our parents, our families, and our friends that's where we were headed. However, Brad's heart was not in that job in Utah, but this job here in Austin was one that he was really excited about! We talked and talked and decided that this would be the job he would be taking.

So, on Thursday night he called Greg and took the job. It was a difficult decision for him, because this is a whole new deal..he's learning all about business and things I don't understand but he is so excited! We were ready to be led anywhere, including Utah, but we are so excited that God is going to use us here in Austin.

SO WE GET TO STAY! We don't have to move across the country again, and we get to stay here with these friends we love, a church we love, and a city we love. Brad is doing something he never thought he would be...I am moving to the CCU in the coming days/weeks, and we intend to plug in to serving those around us. We had been almost scared to commit to things in the fear that we were leaving, and while that was definitely wrong, I'm ready to change that.

Most of all...we're so thankful for the way the Lord protected us in this. It's so amazing to see how He has grown us in our relationships with Him, and in our marriage. It was a rough eight months, but I feel like we came out with new hearts, and knowing that our hope and security are in Him. So that's our long, wordy story. We're here and we're pumped!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


So, remember about two years ago when I was a crazy fanatical blogger? Remember when I updated at least once a week? Now...either we are REALLY boring, or I am just extremely poor at updating. Anyways...we went to Disney last month for an amazing Disney cruise and a couple of days in the parks. We had such a good time!

I had never been on a cruise before, and it had been like 8 years since Brad had been on one, but I mean it was awesome! It was so much better than I ever imagined. I don't know if it's because it was Disney, or because I am so easily excited, or just because it was truly as awesome as it seemed but wow. We were treated like royalty. We had the best server and assistant server at dinner, which made dinner time every night perfect. The ship was beautiful. The weather was sunny. The ocean was gorgeous. Seriously it was pretty much perfect.

Now, I know that the fact that it was a Disney cruise may seem strange..especially because we have no kiddos yet, but you can't help but be happy on a cruise that is put on by Disney. It's cheerful, the characters are out, it's so stinking clean, all the employees seem to like their jobs, there are awesome activities, and it's 4 days completely away from cell phones and computers and life on land. We LOVED it!

We went with Brad's parents and are so thankful that they let us tag along. It truly was such an amazing vacation!

After we landed from the cruise we spent the last two days of our trip in the Disney parks, and Brad helped me discover new things about the parks that I hadn't know before. This was fun, although I definitely feel like he's been holding out on me. It's forgiven though.

Some of the highlights from the trip:
1. Our bike led us to discover the other side of the island that is closed off to tourists. One of the disney staff members let us go back and hang out in the water back there. We also saw a blue crab, a barracuda, a stingray, and a starfish while we were back there. It was AWESOME!

2. The food. Seriously.

3. Reading in the sunshine.

4. Disney tune trivia..we bombed it but it was awesome!

5. Time together just being together!

Over all it was amazing!

Now I promise to attempt to get better at updating..and will start with an update on the AWESOME news of the on.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

2nd Anniversary! WHOA!

So, I'm a little behind, obviously. This is not because our 2nd anniversary wasn't awesome, because it was, but simply because my goodness we haven't been home in what feels like 4 years. We just got back from our cruise though, which I'll write about at a later date, but it's nice to be home.

So anyways, our 2nd anniversary came and went and we had a fantastic day! We went kayaking on Town Lake, went to lunch at Magnolia Cafe, checked out an upholstery shop, made a fantastic dinner together, and compromised on a movie and watched the Italian Job. Overall, it was the perfect day!

More comes the sap...our second year of marriage has been amazing. Last year, I remember thinking how much we had learned the first year, but as it turned out..God wasn't finished with us yet. Not that this is a surprise, but each year it's different. I can't wait to see what is ahead when we reach years 10, 25, 50.

So here's what we've learned this year...

10. Brad can whistle, Rachael can't. Sad but true. Important things.

9. I love to shop for little things to make our house feel like a home. Brad doesn't really have a huge desire to do the same, but he lets me, because he rocks.

8. Every time I hear Brad pray I am reminded of the blessing the Lord gave me when he brought Brad into my life. He loves the Lord, and he loves me, and my life is blessed.

7. We now have a laundry basket next to our hamper, so for the clothes that don't make it in to the hamper, but only make it on top of's so easy to put them in the basket. Compromises.

6. Brad's an awesome listener. I don't know how. If I had to listen to me talk all the time, I might pull my hair out.

5. Sometimes our definition of clean is different. However, we have found a way to work that out. It only took two years...we're set for the next 68.

4. I flat out love spending time with Brad. Coming home to him at the end of the day is possibly the best part of the day.

3. Brad loves football, I mean he really loves it. I love naps. You see how this works.

2. Brad is handy. Seriously. He refinished my sewing table, painted our house, fixed the shower, replaced the water heater, fixed the Rodeo, killed the bugs, and got rid of the tarantulas. I, on the other hand, am EXCELLENT at standing and pointing out the tarantulas, explaining what's broken for Brad to fix, and picking out paint color. Good thing we're married or I'd really be in trouble.

1. Circumstances are not what make us who we are. It's easy to get comfortable with a lifestyle and with our own plans and schedules, but the beauty comes when we remember that we are not in control. We have not been forgotten, the Lord works in all things according to His will. Our situation changed this year, but that was part of His plan. We are trying to be still before Him, to hear where he is leading. We know He's doing big things in us...we're still in a waiting period, but we're waiting together, and there is nowhere else I'd rather be.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lafayette and a beautiful wedding!

So catching up a bit, we were able to head up to Indiana to spend a week with my family and to celebrate El and Ryan's marriage! It was the PERFECT visit! It had been too long since we were able to be home and not in a rush the whole time, and we just loved the opportunity to spend time catching up!

As always, I seriously considered a kidnapping of our precious nieces, but thought that would not be so wise. However, they are just perfect. We just love them! They get so big every time we go back, and it's hard to believe how much we miss, but when we're home it's just amazing to see all they've changed! Emily just is so smart and talks so much! She can make you feel like you are her best friend in the world. Anna is just so full of energy and smiles. She's just a little fire ball and we love it! Next time we're home we are sure she'll be walking like a champ!

While we were home we were able to see almost all my family, we missed those we didn't see but we had a great time with our family time at Mom and Dad's and then with the cousins at lunch at BW3's. We were able to catch up with lots of friends, we slept in EVERY DAY, I got a mani/pedi (WOOOO), ate some delicious food. It was FANTASTIC!

At the end of the week was Ellen and Ryan's wedding! Ellen was a BEAUTIFUL bride! She was so calm too, I mean, so easy and simple. That's part of what makes Ellen who she is, and I just love her for it! The wedding was beautiful and we're so excited for their new marriage! Thanks El and Ryan for letting us be a part of your day!

That was our visit, I'll spare you the play by play because I'm long-winded but it was exactly what we needed! We had such a great time!

Next update: Our 2nd Anniversary! Yay!