Monday, August 15, 2011

6 Months Already! Time FLIES!

Oh my goodness - today is the day we mark half a year with our little man already. I am having such a hard time believing that. I mean seriously. It absolutely feels like yesterday that we were in the hospital anxious waiting for him..and now 6 months. Wow.

This month - BY FAR my favorite. In the past two weeks he has just gone crazy with some development. It amazes me. So awesome!

Here's what he's doing!
Giggling. FINALLY. I'm so in love. It's hilarious. Sometimes he all out giggles. Then sometimes you find him on his tummy looking at something just hahaha.....hahahaha....hahaha. (That's my impression of intermittent giggling of his) It's pretty funny. Just in the last two weeks has he really taken off on this.

He likes peek-a-boo now. Before he really didn't care. But now he loves when we play that.

He moves everywhere..and is getting faster by the day. He giggles the whole time too. That is awesome. Today when I put him on the bed for his 6 month picture he about scooted himself off the bed before I grabbed him..and I was right next to him looking at the camera. FAST boy.

He has a seriously liking for anything he shouldn't be trying to go for. If there is an option between a cord or a toy - he almost 100% picks the cord. Have to watch him closely.

He recognizes his family in pictures. At least I think so. Brad, me, and all his grandparents. Even Aunt Sarah and Uncle Luke got a big smile out of him.

Remember when I talked about how chill he was. Wow. That has changed. He remains chill at some when other kiddos are around. He's content to take that all in. But if it's just us, or we're eating dinner, or on an airplane, or BEDTIME - boy is CRAZY!!! He seriously goes nuts.

He is much more purposeful with his movements. He grabs things with such an effort and is so determined to get anything he sets his mind to.

Continues to be a happy baby. QUITE the ham. On the flights to Denver and back this week..he found anyone who was looking at him and gave them a huge grin and a jabber.

Loves to talk. Jabber Jabber Jabber. Makes more consonant sounds now.

Continues to watch us so intensely when we are eating next to him. If we're being honest...I've given him a taste of a few things. He hasn't quite figured out what to do with a spoon, but he sure is interested.

Graduated to a high chair while we were on vacation. We didn't have an infant car high chair it was...although I was the bad parent who didn't have a cover. Oops.

He will be graduating soon to a bigger car seat. He is SOOO heavy for me to carry around in his infant seat, and the limit is 22 I'm pretty sure that's happening soon.

That's about it for today. He's sleeping currently then we have to run to the grocery and to his doctor appointment. Sadly...our little guy broke out in a HUGE rash while we were in Colorado. We're not sure what caused it...think it might have been a combination of the colder, dry air and the detergents for the sheets at the hotels. It made us sooo sad though. Between that and some belly issues I asked if we could get his appointment moved up and they were able to squeeze us in today. I'm excited to see how big he's grown.

After this appointment we're going to start some solids. I'm so excited about this. I need to make some food this week, I plan to make the majority of his food. We'll see how I do.

Here's some pictures from his pictures today. It's getting harder and harder to do these because he's so wiggly...and getting so big. A fun challenge though..

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