Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Giggle.

Oh he giggles. It's funny.


We took him to the doctor yesterday. His big ol' rash and bad GI things were all from a nasty virus apparently. Mean little virus. Has done terrible things to our little man's skin. The doctor kept saying "oh my goodness poor little guy." (P.S. That will seriously make you feel like a bad mom) What happened to nursing kiddos being immune? I realize they will get sick..and Noah totally isn't even aware that his skin looks like a quilt of dry skin and his poor tummy is all sorts of a mess.

Another video you ask? Sure..here is a video of him scooting his way to Brad's phone. Clearly his daddy's boy. Likes him some technology.

6 Month Stats:
19lb 3oz. (80th Percentile)
27" (75th Percentile)

I had kinda hoped that his weight would be up more...I always worry he's not getting enough milk. Crazy. I know. Boy has some serious rolls. But anyways..he is incredibly active (read BUSY) now..so that is probably the reason for that. The height thing...He dropped 20% on the chart..but let's be honest..with us for parents..height probably isn't going to be his strong point. :)

In other news:
This week I have a pinterest party that I'm going to. Can I get a HECK YES! So pumped about this. I love that the invitation said you must have an addiction to pinterest. I mean..I'm just getting into it..but it's most DEFINITELY growing on me. All sorts of fun things on there. Tomorrow I am making dessert I found on there.

To follow up my EXTREMELY girly pinterest party...I've joined a fantasy football league with Brad and his grad school friends (and their wives) this year. I am so pumped for this! Love all the people we're doing it with, and it will be fun for the wives to have a chance to take those dudes down! Draft on Saturday night..and seirously...I'm excited. :)

I bought baby food and cereal today. Shout out to you Amy Bean for suggesting not to make the food until we get through these first tries and making sure we don't have any allergies. Thank you! No need to waste. So I dove in and bought a few today. We'll be starting hopefully later this week as soon as the little GI bug clears up.

TOTALLY forgot to mention that our dear friends Ryan and Jess and their precious baby Audrey Claire a month ago! We are so excited for them! We can't wait to meet that beautiful baby girl soon!!

And El and Ryan have baby Austin on the way in just over a month! So excited to see that sweet boy too!

That's it for tonight! Have a great night!

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