Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just because.

I'm going a little blog crazy. Simply because I don't have to work on the apartment, and we don't fly out until tonight.

It's beautiful.

So Noah is napping. First time all week he really went without a struggle. So I'm going to post pictures for our family back home.

LOOK at what we've started doing! He has been kinda sitting here and there, but then he would fall and topple over. But each day he gets more sturdy. How is it possible that he is already big enough to do this? He's so proud of himself!

Hanging out on Mama and Dada's bed.
LOVE that sweet smile!
Funny kiddo.
The definition of cool. Right there.
Story behind this...while I think Noah doesn't notice that I'm gone on the days I work..I think at the end of the day he does. He smiles at me when I come in the door, but the last few shifts when I'm in the shower he has started getting fussy. (Can't touch him until I shower when I get home because who knows what nastiness I've brought home with me - hardest thing ever!) But anyways..last week after I showered I took him while he was fussy and he scooted right up on me until his face was literally on top of mine and then closed his eyes and slept. Not soundly...but it may have been the most precious part of my day. Oh my goodness. The picture doesn't quite do it justice..but we were at a weird angle so Brad was doing his best. :)
That's it for the day! Need to get ready while sweet little man sleeps! Have a great weekend!!

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