Thursday, August 4, 2011

Parenting Fail.

Last night.

I took Noah to a baseball game with friends while Brad had a meeting for church.

(Sidenote: Before we moved I was drinking water like CRAZY! I mean I was drinking more water than I ever have in my life. LOVED it. Then we moved and the water in our apartment is not tasty. So neither is the ice.)

So I may have had a Diet Coke, Diet Dr. Pepper, and then last night at the game a diet pepsi. Please don't judge me. I had apple juice and milk too. I just was craving pop yesterday. Or more honestly something that was ice cold..and our water isn't. Even though we bought an Ozarka 2 gallon container.

Anyways..we got home and Noah was crashed out. But he still needed to eat and get changed into his jammies. Well I woke him to do those things and then Brad was in the parking lot so I wanted Noah to be able to see him before he went to bed.

Well..Noah LOVES him some Brad. Once Brad's home we're not restful anymore. His buddy is here and he's ready to play. So by this time it's like 10:30 we put him down around 10:45.

Well then Brad hopped into the shower and I had to go back in twice to Noah's room because he was up with his face in the corner of the crib and lost his paci. So I would move him, give him his paci so he'll let himself sleep and off I went.

Well Brad got out of the shower and I told Brad to maybe bring Noah in because I figured we missed his window where he would put himself to sleep. At this point he was super happy just to play.

So Brad brought him in and Noah just went crazy. Happy, smiling, talking, cooing. Scooting all over the bed. Then he laid next to me facing the bathroom while Brad was brushing his teeth. Brad was playing peek-a-boo with Noah behind the wall. Every time Brad would go away after popping out Noah got soo excited he would giggle and then scoot a little closer on the bed to his daddy. Oh my goodness how it warms my heart the way he loves his daddy. we decided we were helping him stay up too much, so we turned out the lights and I fed Noah again to help him calm down and then Brad took him in and laid him down again. Too which he immediately started jabbering and playing and moving all over the crib AGAIN. It's midnight at this point. I told Brad we would be up all night.

Then Brad came in and says "Where's his other paci?" OH NO. No way that's the reason right? See I had switched his paci's because everyone always tells me they look too small for his face, and Brad thinks they're too "feminine." So I switched him to a bigger paci that we had, one with a handle. BAM. Brad put the old paci in his mouth. The one with no handle and he INSTANTLY (no joke) went to sleep. Hilarious. All this play and craziness because of a paci. Really?

Caffeine and a paci. Parenting fail.

But boy was he happy. Adorable.

Also. He has mastered the scoot. Boy gets everywhere he wants to be, and gets quicker by the day. How is it possible that he is old enough to scoot where he wants to go? I call it scooting because it's not a crawl..though he sure tries...and it's not an army crawl because he uses his legs more than he pulls with his arms. But he sees something he wants and off he goes. I'm in love. Seriously. Yesterday I left him in the middle of the living room, and found him when I finished brushing my teeth up against the couch stuck because he hasn't quite realized that he can't go through solid things. He's funny this kid.

Anyways that's my story.
Have a great week!


Laurasuz said...

Cute cute cute!

Leah said...

so sweet!