Tuesday, August 2, 2011

He's still working on me.

So lately..now that the house is sold, and we moved into the apartment, and we realize the next step for us is definitely Taylor - I have been struggling with my selfish heart. We had a message this week about money at church, about having a generous heart, and looking at everything we have as a gift from God, and while I really always felt like that was something I did..I have found there are areas of this that I struggle with. Like the idea of buying a home that is different than where I saw myself in life. I mean...if we're being honest I never saw Taylor in our future when we moved to Austin 4 years ago. I mean..I didn't even know what Taylor was.

But then we met these sweet friends of ours the Campise fam. Guess who lives in Taylor. That's right..those sweet Campises that we love. They are awesome and would makes trips to Round Rock all the time from Taylor. I still didn't see it in our future.

Then of course there are the Mullins. They were the very first sweet couple we met here in Austin. They brought us to the Stone. We bought a home in their neighborhood when we bought our first home. Obviously, they are another fam we love and we got REALLY used to them being right there all the time, for real I LOVED it!

So rewind to about a year ago. Brad and I are praying and talking and know we need to refinance/sell our house. The problem - we just didn't know where we were supposed to move. So I started looking in Round Rock, Georgetown (north of Round Rock), and Austin. I found nothing. Then a few months later the Mullins begin talking about moving to Taylor. Brad and I talked..I thought Taylor was where we were supposed to be...he didn't. So I kept looking everywhere but there..but secretly I would scout out the Taylor real estate. But found nothing.

Around Thanksgiving time we decided that once Noah was born, we would get the house on the market sometime in the spring. As time went on we decided by May (or I decided). It didn't quite happen by May..but June 3rd or something it was on the market. Ready to go.

All this time we continued to check out websites and found nothing anywhere. Except in Taylor...I found a couple I thought could be interesting but we just weren't sure.

Well then the Mullins moved. The night they moved we left their house and the Campises were still sitting on the couch..and I realized we had a 30ish minute drive home and I lost it. Started crying right there in the driveway. Part of this could have been the hormones of just having a baby..but really that was the day I knew we were moving to Taylor.

After this we have gotten to know the Benaglio's better, another family moving to Taylor, and have decided more and more that this is just where God is leading us.

Time went by..and Brad one day said..."so I think we're moving to Taylor." Or something along those lines. I was so so so excited!

So we started looking. Our sweet realtor took us to Taylor multiple times..and we just couldn't find anything. I would find one then Brad would..they never really matched up. (Except one..which we put an offer in on..but we couldn't match up with the seller)

Anyways..so here we are. Our house sold. We haven't found a house yet. But we know where we're headed. But I'm struggling with a selfish heart..and apparently I'm a little more worldly than I ever want to admit. Because I look at some of the houses and I think "Nope, no way, nope. Too much of a project. It's not level. We'd have to re-do the kitchen." Blah blah blah. Then I see some of the beautiful already redone homes and I think..I could totally live here. Conveniently those aren't in our price range.

But I need to get over that.

See moving to Taylor is about more than being with our friends. We feel called there. The people who live there - we're doing life with them. They are actively loving on babies in the foster system..and that is something we have a heart for. We actively feel that we are called to be a support team for these people and those precious babies, and then to hopefully at some point be loving on foster kiddos in our own home. It's also about financial freedom. We are choosing to move there because we can definitely spend less on a home there. I won't have to work full time. It won't be like Round Rock. It's not that kind of town. It's going to be a different life. It's definitely not suburban. But we want to be in Taylor, loving on the people of Taylor.

But if we're being honest. I'm struggling a bit with what that will look like for us. Apparently I am extremely attached to our old home. Or more to what that home was.

So anyways. All that to say. The Lord is working in my heart. Hard. He is changing me and growing me. I'm thankful but I think I'm fighting it. I'm praying for peace for the next few months while we take a break from looking at homes, and for guidance when we start looking again. That Brad and I would be able to find a compromise for what we have to have vs what we can do ourselves in a home. That we will faithfully pursue where we're feeling led. That we won't worry about all the selfish worldly things we could be worried about (and sometimes do). That we will pursue WITH JOY where God is leading us, despite not always understanding. That I will give up some of these things that I think are important..and remember that EVERYTHING we have is His first. He blessed us so we can bless others.

That's my story.
Long winded. But where we're at.
Of course I'll keep you updated. :)

Have a great week!

P.S. On a lighter note..our adorable little guy now scoots wherever he wants to go. Puts his head down, his bum in the air, and pushes himself wherever he wants to be. AWESOME! :) I'll update on him in the next post. He's rocking our socks. Just one awesome little guy!

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